Four Steps to Your 2022 Word of the Year
Plus 75 Word of the Year Ideas to get you brainstorming.
I’ll be honest…when I was first introduced the idea of the Word of the Year…I thought it was a little silly. But, as I am typing…11 days away from 2022…I’m EXCITED about what the year will bring. They only thing sad about it is that I kind of want to keep my 2021 word for a bit longer. That’s the beautiful thing…your words never really go away. I have not written or read any fancy books about the word of the year, but I wanted to pop on and tell you to GO AHEAD and start thinking about your word! Don’t overthink…just let it float around in your head a little bit.
I’ve included, below, graphics and a PDF download if you prefer to work that way, along with a written commentary. No need to dwell on both, just choose your favorite intake method. I’ll encourage you, again, not to overthink it. Your word is there at the tip of your tongue. You know what you need, you know what must be done…the word simply acts, for me anyway, as grounding and focus point. Those days when I feel lost, hopeless, or just plain exhausted…I can pull my word. It may be different for you…it should be. Each of us will have a very different experience with our words for 2022.
How to Choose Your 2022 Word of the Year
Before you get started, I want to say this…keep your notes and your self talk POSITIVE…no ‘I need to stop this,’ or ‘I need to better at that.’ I want GOOD VIBES ONLY! Let’s FOCUS on our studies, prayer life, family life…Let’s GIVE without limits. PURGE excess stuff and/or negativity from our lives. Show GRACE to our loved ones. See how that works? This is NOT a beat yourself up exercise. If it becomes that, honey…WALK AWAY. It’s not THAT important!
This is NOT a beat yourself up exercise. If it becomes that, honey…WALK AWAY. It’s not THAT important!
Cindi, on the Word of the Year.
Step 1: THINK. What makes your heart beat? What’s going on in your life right now? Is there something you want to grow? Something you want to improve? Something you want to focus more energy on or less energy on? Is there something you desperately need to change about your life? Is there a situation, big or small, personal or professional…something that’s not going away over night…that you need to deal with?
Step 2. Consider your Goals. These can be short or Long Term. Personal or Professional. These are NOT resolutions. These are GOALS…END GAME FINAL RESULTS for the year, or in the long term future… Write these down. You see, everything we do every day, every year…impacts our goals and our purpose. Keeping your goals in mind as you choose your word will be very helpful!
Step 3. Find Key Words. Cut all of the extra fluff. Circle those key words, or jot them down. Many of those will not be your Word of the Year, and you will know that before you write them…do it anyway! This will help your thoughts flow and get you to your word.
STEP 4. CHOOSE. Don’t overthink. Find words that resonate with your soul. Find words with recurring themes or sentiments. Use a word list, or pull your own word right out of your work – or the air!
If you need a visual or tactile reminder, you might get a temporary tattoo with your word (or just write it on your wrist), a bracelet or charm, or even an engraved keychain to help you focus on your word. I think, though,you will find your word comes when you need it.
One last piece of advice…if your word doesn’t bring you JOY and PEACE, and even ENCOURAGEMENT…it’s not your word…it may be next year, but let it go this year. It won’t be perfect every day, every week, or even every month. You are amazing and can do great things!
I hope that was all the motivation you needed on this Monday morning to start thinking about your Word of the Year. Do you have to go through the steps, or any particular process for that matter? Nope. Your sure don’t! Again, YOUR WORD…YOUR YEAR! I’d love to know what you come up with!
Much Love to you and yours!

Self proclaimed Godmother of the Messy Bun Mafia.