How to Clean Pet (or human) Urine From Mattress
Not what I planned on writing about today, and yet here we are. Isn’t that the way though? Sometimes it’s a dog, sometimes it’s a child…for whatever reason, It always happens when we least expect it. Having a plan in place and a tried and true method will help you stay calm and get the job done. I’ve been using this method on mattresses and carpet for several years, and never once have had it fail. What you need right now are the details and how to. If you’d like to come back later and read the fluff part of the post, you can find that HERE.
What you need:
- Towels
- Water
- Bowl or Measuring Cup
- Baking Soda
- White Vinegar
- Vacuum Cleaner
- Fan (optional)

What to do (and what not to do):
- Remove Bedding
- Mix One Cup one White Vinegar with Two Cups of Water. More or less depending on the area to be cleaned.
- Gather all of your supplies so you’re ready to work.
- If you have a safe/clean place to do so, take your mattress outside. Not required, but this helps with drying time.
Do NOT rub or scrub. This will only work the urine further into the mattress. Not the goal. Just Blot. You’re done with this towel now.
- You want it soaked, but not more than necessary. Don’t panic. You’re going to think I’m crazy for making your mattress this wet…Please be sure you have a way to dry out your mattress – fans, excellent ventilation, or even taking it outdoors. I cannot make this decision for you; I’ve never had an issue.
- Allow this to sit for 10-15 minutes to soak through the urine.
- Blot with a clean towel to soak up any excess liquid.
- Allow this to sit over night, or for at least 8 hours.
- Block off the area to avoid more messes.
- Open Windows, turn on the ceiling fan, and an extra box fan if you have one available.
- If you can take your mattress outside for faster drying, this is a good time to do that.
- Vacuum Excess Baking Soda.
- Your mattress and the baking soda should be dry at this point.
- Check for thoroughness…I recommend the smell test.
- You should not smell any residual urine. If you do, start over.
- You might smell a hint of vinegar; this will dissipate soon.
Congratulations! You’ve survived! You can go back to loving your pet.
Please let me know if this worked for you or if you have ANY questions!
How do I know this works?
Well. I won’t tell on any of my children, and that’s not how I discovered this, anyway. I do wish, however, that I had found it sooner.
Several years ago, we adopted a full grown, but young, labrador retriever who lived most of her life outside. So, she was KIND OF housebroken, but also not really, because she never really had to ASK to go outside…SOOO…imagine, full grown dog…full bladder…king size mattress…Literally – I cried. I mean, it covered close to half the surface area of the mattress.
Luckily, I found an excellent post with the same helpful information as above…I can’t find the post anymore, and still have lots of friends ask for help with this situation because we have always had large dogs and, well, things happen … when they are puppies, when they are old, and sometimes in between. I wouldn’t trade my precious fur babies for having to deal with their accidents.
The above method has never once failed me, and I’ve used it multiple times (luckly only 2-3 times for the mattresses) for both human and pet urine.
Why I am writing a post about Pet Urine one this blog where it just doesn’t seem to fit? Well, we’re working on the word ‘TACKLE’ for 2021, and this is one the things we have to tackle: Basically, being ready to tackle, aka deal with, things as they come up. Not being caught blindsided. Being prepared, but without having to have too many different cleaning products in our home.
I use vinegar often for the laundry and other cleaning tasks, and baking soda for cleaning out the sink drain now and then, among other things. So, we didn’t need any special ‘pet’ products for this monumental cleaning task, and I want you to know that you don’t, either.
My favorite tools/brands for the job:
Any store brand white vinegar will do. I’ve used both store and name brand, with identical results. Towels, whatever is handy. Just make sure it’s absorbent. Did you know that using fabric softener actually makes your towels LESS absorbent? Water & a bowl or measuring cup? No preference. I usually use a large spouted mixing bowl.
I generally purchase Arm & Hammer Baking Soda in One Pound bags. Have never used anything else. I’m sure other brands will do just fine!
Vacuum: Your fave. Powerful. We recently GLADLY trashed our highly dissappointing Dyson Pet Vac, and went back to the Shark Vacuum. This brand has never let us down, and I love the new bristle free design.
You know I have to! Best hair accessory for housework is still the Swerve! STOP using rubber bands!
What is the worst pet mess you’ve had to deal with to date?
Much Love to you and yours!

Self proclaimed Godmother of the Messy Bun Mafia.