I asked the UPS guy what he wanted for Christmas…
Every year, without fail, someone asks me what they should do for their UPS guy…so, I asked the one that lives in my house to add to the list of things that I already know he loves and/or wants…here are the things they all want, even if they don’t know it yet.
What do I get the UPS Guy or Gal for Christmas?
UPDATED FOR 2024! We have added a few options, and we are still triple checking all of the links and removing items no longer available – this post has been a huge hit for 5 years running and we thank you for the love!
Here’s a quick List of LOTS of ideas on Amazon if you’d prefer to just skim that. It has ideas for all UPS employees, gifts for the family, and a few potential ideas for retirees. Not all items in this post are on that list, because not everything in the world comes from Amazon! We hope that you’ll also consider your local shops and friends and support those, as well.
Online shopping is what we do now; our delivery drivers quickly become part of our family, or our work group! Maybe you want to say thank you, maybe you want to give them a little ‘hush money’ 🤣. I know I owe gifts to my Amazon drivers, Shipt & Instacart Shoppers, Fed Ex, and ESPECIALLY to my mailman. Our mailman gives me such INCREDIBLE personal service, he’ll probably have a key to my house soon (this is not normal…he’s been delivering to someone in my family for at least 20 years, and actually went to school with my sister…but STILL!!). He goes to great lengths to ensure both my incoming and outgoing packages are safe. Which delivery service comes to your house the most?
In the meantime, I’m doing my best to keep this post updated and ensure all of the links are still good and I’ve added some things to the Amazon List for you, and I’ll add some more as we think of them.
Unfortunately, the UPS socks that we’ve shared in the past are no longer available on amazon and the Moxy socks currently available have TERRIBLE reviews – so PLEASE don’t buy those! We’ll keep an eye for the UPS branded ones to return! Let us know if you spot them! Usually, though, if your driver is wearing pant in the winter months, they can get away with wearing simple brown socks like these that have great reviews!
Recommended by UPS Wives to Save: on Lunch costs: the Luncheaze Box
If they have long hair, here’s THE BEST gift you can give them – protect those gorgeous locks…away with the hair ties! This thing is amazing and will STAY PUT ALL DAY LONG, can hold up to ANY weather…I’m telling ya! THEY WILL LOVE IT! EVERY one of my customers that has one, is RAVING – I wear mine several times a week…
You’ll find the perfect color to go with all the delivery platforms! Cocoa or Latte will be perfect for your UPS Drivers! Want a hair holder less visible? Try the Swerve UPin – it tucks in a bun or Pony Tail Undetected.
If you are still asking yourself what to get the UPS guy (or gal) for Christmas, one of these gift lists might have just what you’re looking for (click one to jump to a list or just scroll through them all!):
- A small thank you: Because of our UPS Driver, we survived 2024.
- I am a Business Customer and my UPS driver always take great care of us!
- My friend, or family member, is a UPS Driver. We’d like to get them a useful gift.
- I married the UPS Driver. And I need to fill the stocking.
- I want to knock the brown socks off of my UPS Driver…
Some of these lists, of course, will overlap…so be sure to skim the entire list (the text messages are worth the read…) if you want to be the #holidayhero to your #deliveryhero. These gift ideas will also be fitting for your FedEx Driver and Mail Carrier, and even some for that Amazon Driver that you see way more often than you’d care to admit. Maybe even for your Shipt or Instacart shopper, or your favorite DoorDash, Uber or Lyft, Postmates, etc…driver!
A couple of things they DO NOT need – ponchos and umbrellas. They just don’t function well in this environment.
If you just want to leave your UPS Driver a little thank you for all the extra hard work and great survive they’ve provided for you this year, here are some ideas:
If you’re reading this in the Fall of 2024 and likely on into the winter months: if you are in or near one of the 6 states affected by Hurricane Helene, or on trace for Milton…please consider cash or gift cards as gifts or check with your driver to see what their specific needs are for their families.
Maybe a nice heated blanket for the family? Hot Hands are also going to be very popular this season.

- Local (on your route) Restaurant Gift Cards.The good ones. Fast food is ok, but not preferred. They have an hour to SIT DOWN for lunch, and a nice, or at least decent, sit down meal is FABULOUS! Being able to save a little money on lunch is a tremendous blessing. Especially because it leaves more money for buying gifts for me & the kids. 😉
- Cash or other gift cards. Because. You know. Cash.
- Drinks and snacks. Yep, it’s very trendy right now to leave a basket or cooler on your porch for all of your delivery people. AND it’s very much appreciated. If you’re familiar enough with your UPS Driver, they aren’t afraid of homemade snacks. Oreo’s are a big hit at my house.
- Hand Warmers. Especially if you’re in a cold climate. These are AMAZING and a great little break from the cold.
For the Business Customer
Do you get regular deliveries to your business? You KNOW how important it is to have a great relationship with your UPS Driver.

We have received some incredibly generous gifts over the years, from popcorn and candy (Nothing Bundt Cakes are one of my favorites!) all the way up to the gift of all gifts…a jewelry store gift card that purchased my first set of pearls. Of course, I didn’t know about this until after receiving my amazing surprise! You don’t have to go that far. Here are some ways to say thank you, and some random kindnesses that we have appreciated over the years:
- Gift Cards to YOUR establishment. Yes, That is OK! There has been LOTS of shopping done on the route over the years, especially at the Trendy Trunk in Hendersonville, TN. I cannot begin to tell you what a help Deanna & her staff have been. And it’s not just about the gifts…or helping him to choose the right gifts! It’s about the CUSTOMER SERVICE and RELATIONSHIP that Deanna has with EVERYONE she comes across. If you’re in the area, pop in! I know you’ll find something you love.
- Gift Cards from establishments NEAR you. Let’s say you are a dentist…though we appreciate the toothpaste and floss, maybe there’s a shop or restaurant nearby that your drive might appreciate a gift from? This way, you are supporting businesses in your area while giving some love to your favorite driver.
- Yup. Cash.
- Free Meals? You DO NOT EVEN KNOW! These guys get HUNGRY! If you’re a restaurant owner, offer them a free meal now and then! You don’t have to do it all the time…a little goes a long way. Did you know that people sometimes ACTUALLY choose where they’re going to eat based on how many brown trucks they see in the parking lot? True Story! They also know where all the good candy bowls are.
Do you have a close friend or family member that is a #DeliveryHero?

This one’s fun, because you can go big or small here. So many options. Let’s look at some mid-range options.
- A nice, easy open Pocket Knife. I found a vintage one years ago on Etsy, but it’s about time to replace that. In fact, I think he lost it. Now, they are readily available on Amazon. I may grab this Kershaw Clash Folding Pocket Knife. If so, I’ll let you know how he likes it.
- A pen light! Always helpful to see addresses at night.
- Battery Packs to keep all the things charged. I recommend Halo Brand. I’ve been using this brand, personally, for several years and never had an issue with them. They charge FAST and last forever…or until you loose them, or loan them to a friend. In fact, jump down to the next section if you want to really knock the brown socks of your favorite driver…or any driver for that matter. Also, go with black or a dark color. Things get dirty! The Halo Bolt is our family’s GO TO. We have one in every vehicle. They will charge EVERYTHING, some have a regular plug for your other devices AND they will jump start your car.
- A Beard Trimmer. Yup. I said it. They can have beards now! I am NOT EVEN KIDDING YOU! It only took 113 years for that restriction to vanish…We don’t have one yet, so I can’t really recommend a particular brand, but we’ve been using our home version Wahl Clippers for at least 10 years, and that baby is still going strong. So, maybe check this one out?
- Sunglasses. Just some nice, sturdy, comfortable sunglasses. Think athletic sunglasses. I’ve added some to the list below, but if you’re in this category, you may not want to spend that much. I’ve had many pairs of Foster Grants in my day, and found them to a very sturdy frame, and great lenses for the money. And, you’re not going to have a panic attack if they get lost. Or, if you REALLY want to go above and beyond, shoot for the Oakley’s! Always a crowd favorite.
So, you married one, huh?
Want some things to fill the stocking without having to ask? Honey, go through that bag or backpack you know they carry. All the little things. What is that one thing they never leave home without?

- Lip Balm. My favorite? This one from Rodan+Fields with Sunscreen.
- Pocket Knife. (See discussion above).
- Battery Packs. (Halo, see list above AND below, as well!)
- Dental Floss, or picks!
- Yes, you can fit AirPods. into a stocking You’re welcome. Our favorite are the 2nd generation Air pods. Five stars for comfort, durability, and battery life. I’ve had mine for about 2 years (as of Nov 2023) and they’re still going strong!
- Hair accessories. The SPORT is my fave.
- If your driver is in an environment where a mask is needed and is not wearing a gator mask ), they will love this comfort strap.
- Good Gloves. I mean REALLY good gloves. Not the over fluffy ones. NOT the pretty ones that aren’t warm. The really good ones. That keep you warm, but you can keep on to use your screen…good luck…we usually end up with some sort of mechanics cloves. Athletic Gloves just don’t usually do the trick. Let me know if you have found a pair of gloves you love! I also HIGHLY recommend buying these in person so you can touch and see them. Also, make sure they will cover up the wrist. If you can’t find any that will work with the touch screen, at least make sure they have a good grip so that that board won’t slip out of their hands. IronClad is a great brand to consider, but I really prefer you touch and feel these. that’s why this one is on the spouse list. 😘
- Sunscreen. I love Bullfrog brand, but it’s getting hard to spot out and about town. Neutrogena has some great sticks that are readily available almost anywhere.
- Charging Cords. And not the cheap ones. I’m not a huge fan of iPhone cords, because they bend and fray too easily. Stick with a brand you know and trust, or read the reviews…and spend a little more if you have to. We’ve had good luck with Amazon Basics brands in other items, but haven’t tried this cord yet. Let me know if you do, or have! It has lots of stars!
- Hot Hands. Need I say more?
- A small digital clock! My UPS fella loves this. On time, every time! Found you one here, on Amazon, with the date and all the fun stuff, in a display big enough for those “older eyes.”

Knock their Brown Socks off…or buy them some.
These are the things they almost HAVE to have…but HATE buying. Because they aren’t cheap. If you want to do it right, and not have to replace things every few weeks or months. These babies get a full display.
The Yeti Hopper Flip Portable Cooler
Y’all know they carry snacks right? my husband loves how cold this cooler keeps his drinks, Honeycrisp apples, and ice. I love how it keeps the leftovers he brings me from lunch safe!
Comfortable, and SAFE, shoes are a must. You must be able to polish them. And they must fit the dress code. They aren’t cheap. We have purchased Timberland’s almost exclusively over the years, and other than needing to replace the insoles now and then, they hold up really well. They do get lots of wear, and this is something we purchase about once a year.
Speakers are important to our sanity.
I mean, everyone loves music. You know there are no radios in those trucks, right? We’ve tried so many. Most can’t take the beating, or simply aren’t built to last. Let’s just say, you get what you pay for. You can go with the Bose, of course. But we got this one last year and can’t say enough about the sound quality. I first heard it a friend’s house and was amazing. Immediately went home and looked it up. There’s even a case for it! (update: His Wonderboom is now 3 years old and STILL rocking hard!)
HERE IS THE Current version of the Wonderboom
**We are working hard to fix all of the broken links and images. Amazon has recently changed they manor in which we are able to share products with you. Please let us know if there is something you are trying to see/link to and will get that updated right away. Thank you for your patience!**
If you really want to splurge on the Sunglasses, Oakley’s are the gold standard. Of course, we don’t have those, so I don’t really have a specific recommendation for you. Here’s a good pair to consider.
For that Drive that’s a little extra:
There are so many options of professional beard and mustache trimmers available, and in a wide variety of prices! Click here to see all of the options available from Wahl in trimmers, dethttps://amzn.to/3lPYhhzailers, and a few extra fun items you could spoil them with.
This one works for ANY driver on your list, in fact I would especially recommend it for your college students.
This is THE most AMAZING battery you’ve ever owned. It’s small, relatively lightweight, and LITERALLY has jumpstarted my car THREE TIMES in one week without being recharged. I’m NOT EVEN KIDDING. I keep mine in my car, and basically never have to bring it in to make sure it’s charged. My husband uses his all day to listen to music and podcasts, and to keep his phone and speaker charged. He recharges about twice a week, and the second time is on the weekend and just makes sure he’s starting the week with a full charge. I’d venture a guess that it would actually jump start the truck, but don’t quote me on that. Because I really don’t know anything about that. I DO know that you wlll NOT be sorry that you snagged this amazing power pack from Halo.
Brown UPS Socks. Yes, You can buy them now.
Where can you get UPS socks?
Well, on Amazon of course! That’s why I mentioned them at the top of the post –but I’m still telling you AGAIN! If you can make this happen you’ll REALLY knock their socks off!
So, as you can see, having a Mobile Office with zero frills can make a person a little needy….
Just kidding. You know what they do for you…gift them a little love…

The one they do want, all year round, more than anything…is your company. Go out and see them at lunch time! And, of course, treat them to lunch if you can. They work long hours, often missing evening events with their families. There are sacrifices, but there are also tremendous benefits to working for UPS, and we are glad to be a part of that family (most of the time).
This photo was taken in 2014 when I took my daughter to see her Daddy (her favorite UPS Driver) on Valentine’s Day.
I hope you find a great gift for your favorite driver, and if there’s something you think I need to add to this list, please let me know!
Have a Shipt Shopper on our list? Here are a few of my favorite things…
Originally posted 12/2/2020. Updated 10//7/2024
Much Love to you and yours!

Self proclaimed Godmother of the Messy Bun Mafia.
Images in this post that are not stock photos or gifs, including images of text messages were taken by me or our favorite UPS driver, and should not be used without express permission and proper credit. (c) 2020 Cindi Moore, themessybunmafia.com . For permission, please use the contact form found on this blog.
This post, and others on this blog, include affiliate links provided to assist you, and to support this blog and our family. We appreciate your engagement and support!
This is a great list. I highly recommend the speaker and the jump charger. The speaker needs to be a good quality to hear over the truck and having a clip on it will let you secure it safely.
Those are definitely the top two on the list!