Let What’s Bugging You Motivate You
I went out this weekend to straighten out the books in our Little Free Library and found that one of the books had come to life.
That, of course, immediately motivated me to clear out every single book and clean the entire library. And, beyond that, while it’s empty, I’m going to give a little make over. You see, my husband did a little weather proofing on the bottom and it’s a little sticky. So, I’ll put a pretty fabric down and put some scotch guard on that. We’ll see how that turns out. Either way, I was quite literally motivated.
Quite often, there are things in life that irritate us. But not enough to do anything to change them- we just like to fuss and complain – but that doesn’t really change anything does it? And it’s quite likely that we’re just bugging the people around us with our grumbling. Now there’s an infestation.
Let’s do something about instead.
Stop and think about what’s bugging you. Can you do something about it? If it’s the people at your local grocery store, you probably can’t – I mean, being a Karen might make you feel better for a minute, but it sure doesn’t make anyone else feel better and it likely won’t change things in the long run. You have two options here: suck it up and deal with it, or shop at another store.

Go forward, friend! Go forward!
If it’s something within your control, say the state of your house or a long list of tasks you need to complete, or maybe something bigger like where your children go to school or a social or political situation then maybe it’s time to do something. Grumbling about it without tackling it or getting involved won’t change it.
Instead of letting it bug you, let it motivate you to make changes! Take the steps you need to take! They may be small, they make take time. It may be as simple as reading an article or jotting down a list today. They may be as big as finding a second or third stream of income or volunteering with or even starting a group or organization in your home town. Just make a small step today and I assure you, those pesky bugs will find someplace else to crawl.
What’s bugging you today?
Let’s get together and be REAL with each other and pray together!
I’ll go first. I have paperwork to deal with. I have to make phone calls to state agencies and health care providers. I’m dreading it. The school climate is bugging me, so I’m doing something about that. Our nation fighting and dividing itself over unborn children. Women not supporting and loving each other over unborn children is bugging me. So, I’m seeking my place in that battle. Will you pray with me over those struggles?
Much Love to you and yours!

Self proclaimed Godmother of the Messy Bun Mafia.