The Messy Bun Mafia

Hair. Coffee. Moments.

Life, Interrupted…reality v. the internet…

For all my advice on getting you ready to survive the school year, I want to be transparent and say that, yes, I’m struggling with it!

Just when you think you’ve found a rhythm and balance…life happens. reality hits. Know that when you see all of these blog posts (mine and those of others), that it’s not always as pretty as it looks! We all struggle…we all have similar and different burdens and interruptions!

  • Connectivity issues.
  • Device issues.
  • Personal health issues.
  • Family issues, or just interruptions!
  • Work/life balance.
  • Personal interruptions.
  • Anxiety, stress, etc.
  • Personality conflicts.

So how do we get through?

With grace. With patience. With realistic expectations. With preparation for what can feel like failures, but in reality, are just part of the world we live in.

This week, I have been reminded very quickly that I can’t always do ALL OF THE THINGS. Trying to get my children on a routine and mentally checking out of every single in my life in order to assist them with school…and to help my mama friends & classmates understand all of the things we are juggling with school this year or with tech issues…I’ve found that some of the work routines and personal routines are a great deal more difficult to maintain and manage than I thought.

Yesterday, for example, my routine of getting up at a decent hour DID in fact happen…but getting DRESSED and ready for the day? Not so much. “getting dressed’ consisted of spritzing some water on my hair, changing into a clean shirt and putting on some deodorant. I think I brushed my teeth.

Today, I heard my husband, briefly, getting ready for work. My brain tricked me into thinking I would not really go back to sleep, but would soon follow and get up. I slept until almost 10:00 am. I woke to my teenager being up and moving about…with myself and my daughter still sleeping…(I know! I was shocked, too!!). So, here it is 12:30. I’m still in my robe. My daughter was able to log onto her virtual assignments on our personal computer. My son was unable to get his done because his school device was not connecting properly. Turns out, the entire district was having issues. So, with the family computer occupied, we decided to just wait that out and try again later.

Guess what I didn’t get done? The email I fully intended to send out yesterday. The customer followups that should have been done last week. Full grocery shopping for the week (I did manage to get a couple of days worth of groceries delivered – my husband usually does the grocery shopping on the weekend – God bless him – but has had some extended family things that have taken priority). The bible study I had planned to start with the kids as part of their virtual school days. I didn’t even start one load of laundry. And a plethora of other things – some important, some not so much.

The good news? I did schedule several posts in some Facebook groups that I manage last week…so that isn’t just simply being ignored. I’m very glad I did that, and we will talk more about that later as well! My children are being patient and understanding…stepping up when asked…though, honestly, I’m probably not asking as much of them as I should. And, well, it’s just all going to be ok! We will find our rhythm. We will find our balance. We will find ways to schedule in fun activities. We will talk about some back up plans for days when things don’t go as planned. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS…AND WE WILL THRIVE THROUGH IT! Because I refuse to fail. I refuse to beat myself up over bad days. I refuse to give up on my family, my marriage, and my children and their educations.

Why do I share this? Because I want YOU to know…that you’re doing JUST FINE! You’re amazing. We are ALL struggling. If our heads aren’t spinning with questions, with ideas, with hopes, with possibilities, we will fall into a pit of despair! Don’t let that happen, ok? Just REFUSE IT. ‘Satan, GET THE OUT OF MY HOME! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE,’ is something I say when I begin to doubt. And let me tell you something, brothers and sisters: When you CLAIM the power of God, and the peace that comes along with that power, when you claim the GRACE OF GOD for yourself, your family, your loved ones (and yes, I consider those that I connect with virtually my loved ones…GOD WILL MOVE THOSE MOUNTAINS. And Satan and those demons he brings with him, have no power over you and your household.

Why do I share this? Because I want YOU to know…that you’re doing JUST FINE! You’re amazing. We are ALL struggling. If our heads aren’t spinning with questions, with ideas, with hopes, with possibilities, we will fall into a pit of despair! Don’t let that happen, ok? Just REFUSE IT. ‘Satan, GET THE OUT OF MY HOME! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE,’ is something I say when I begin to doubt. And let me tell you something, brothers and sisters: When you CLAIM the power of God, and the peace that comes along with that power, when you claim the GRACE OF GOD for yourself, your family, your loved ones (and yes, I consider those that I connect with virtually my loved ones…GOD WILL MOVE THOSE MOUNTAINS. And Satan and those demons he brings with him, have no power over you and your household.

I had no intention of making this a post about God – just an encouragement to you. But isn’t that the way He works in His infinite wisdom? I cannot do these things alone. He is in every breathe.

Peace be with you, and I’ll have more for you later this week! Much love, and many blessings to you and yours!

Grab you some super amazing hair accessories HERE.

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