Something in Red : the story of a listing
I’ve missed you all so very much. Writing to you…whoever actually reads this is who ‘you’ are…we’ll talk more about where I’ve been soon – hopefully on Monday. I wouldn’t count on it thought…given my track record over the past few weeks. I saved that for a draft post and already typed the first paragraph, so that’s a start right? I knew it was time get back over here, though, because I keep finding myself writing little miniature blog posts on Poshmark listings…and I’m pretty darn sure that’s not what people go to Poshmark for 🤣.
Where I realized there was a problem was this: I began sort of organizing my Poshmark Closet into visual categories...and so I'd add a little quip, sometimes personal, sometimes about the category or fashion in general in the listing. And then I got the Dresses Category and, well...I wanted to write an essay on a song about dresses. Hang with me for a paragraph or two, and we'll get there.

it’s a listing, not an essay, I kept telling myself…
Y’all, I explained to someone the other day that there are several musically gifted people in my family. My musical gift is being moved to tears and fully drawn into the music and lyrics of a song. And, man. When you live close to Nashville…you’re surrounded by all these people that tell stories with their music…it’s like you get to live 100 different lives…and then, every now and then, a song will come along at just the right moment…and just sucker punch you. Sometimes it’s laughter and fun, sometimes it’s praise and worship; maybe tears of relief that SOMEONE else in the world understood your emotion…when you’re ready to do battle and just done with all the crap out there, songs like Rachel Platten’s Fight Song hit the airwaves…ya’ll better hope I have my windows rolled up when it does.
So, anyway, I’m sitting here just trying to think of something catchy to say about dresses…something not too sappy…but you know…maybe they’ll want to follow my closet, or if nothing else, I’ll give the reader/shopper a smile for the day…and then music starts up in my head…the world stops and the song just plays out…in it’s fullness, and all the emotion of it. Depending on your age, you may not have heard it…if you haven’t, give it a listen…you’ll hear in how Lorrie performs the words written by Angela Kaset now 20 years ago, but still so on point (if you can, watch the video…it’s quite powerful) the emotion that can sometimes appear very flat to the outside world but is very real on the inside. I’ve added the video below…but read on first, please…there’s an actual point to the ramblings of this middle aged mom sitting up way past her bed time…
You see, choosing a dress…it’s rarely as simple as just choosing a dress…we often put so much more emotion, passion, ideal, dreams, hopes…even expectations into a dress…a dress y’all… A DRESS.
Cindi, Godmother of the Messy Bun Mafia
Mmmm.. Hmmm. You hear it now, don’t you? Now, I’m not saying there shouldn’t be something amazing about a beautifully crafted dress. Cause, listen, fabric…it’s ART. Fashion? Honey…trying to fit our wild bodies? That’s some serious creativity, science, art, and oftentimes PURE GENIOUS at play. There is just something, and there ALWAYS will be, absolutely tremendously magical about the touch, the feel, and the flow of certain fabrics against our bodies and their movements as we move. It is literally art. And the first time you wear a real dress…you know what I mean…one you shouldn’t probably be able to afford…unless you are one of those lucky blessed people who actually CAN afford it on the regular, or at least occassionally…you just...well, it’s no longer about anything else but YOU AND THAT DRESS…
My point is this...I don't gives rats behind what you are wearing, honey. You are amazing and beautiful...and that dress, what size that dress is, and who's head you might turn when you are wearing it...that means NOTHING. I want you to focus on YOU and your relationship with your Creator. The One that made you from the inside out just exactly the way He intended. And you let that shine. I promise you, love, there is not a dress in this wide world that can make you as beautiful as your Creator has made you. When you embrace that, the dress will fit just fine...whether it came from the Goodwill or from Rodeo Drive, baby.

…there is not a dress in this wide world that can make you as beautiful as your creator has made you. When you embrace that, the dress will fit just fine…
I learned at a very young age that I COULD actually afford better brands…and that I VERY much preferred them. I prefer the fit, I prefer the fabrics, I prefer the longevity. It’s funny, though. Because I actually started to shop at thrift stores because I literally NEEDED clothes for work and didn’t have the cash to get what I needed (I’m not a buy clothes on a credit card kind of girl) even at lower priced stores or off of clearance racks. I was always in AWE of the amount of clothing people donated. For years, I rarely bought anything but my undergarments new because it simply seemed so wasteful…of SO MANY beautiful things FILLING second hand stores and yard sales…and of my dollars. It’s always been one of own little personal forms of stewardship. The more we buy new, the more they MAKE. There is already SO MUCH available in SUCH ABUNDANCE. It’s rather mindboggling. And now, through the magic of the internet, not only can we all walk into a PHYSICAL thrift store, we can also SHOP at thrift stores online AND literally in people’s closets! It’s kind of awesome, right?
There is literally no need EVER for anyone to ever in the history of evermore to ever again ever make a scratchy, crappy article of clothing ever again. It happens because we agree to pay for it - again, and again and again, and again. And until we (and I include ME in that we) stop...well...that's what we get.
Use my code MESSYBUNMAFIA on Poshmark to save $10:
I also have to admit, though, I also thoroughly enjoy the thrill of the hunt…I mean, there I was in my first years of teaching wearing Macy’s and Dillard’s brands (20+ years ago that was rather fancy for a 20 something budget unless you had time to stalk the clearance racks). At that time, those stores were not quite so filled will trending and ‘fast fashion’ pieces. Though they had seasonal and trending pieces in each department, especially shoes and accessories, they focused more on classics, staples and brands that lasted (aka, were generally beyond my budget at the time).
Have we had a little fun with fashion, with just enough encouragement, grace, and gospel sprinkled in there? Now, Go on and listen to Lorrie sing…go have a visit with Jesus, and then go put that dress on and move those mountains I know you can move…even if they’re just little play-dough mountains today, they still matter. You matter, darlin.
Much Love to you and yours!

Self proclaimed Godmother of the Messy Bun Mafia.