The Messy Bun Mafia

Hair. Coffee. Moments.

Why we do the things we do –

Edit: This post was moved over from a previous blog, unfortunately, I haven’t been able to sew much for the last couple of years due to health issues, and well…life..I do have a stack of projects I am looking forward to finishing up so that, hopefully, someday, I can quilt a bit – there are a few boxes of saved shirts and scraps for some quilting projects! Feb 2020 💜 Cindi

So what am I all about?  Well, saving money, eliminating waste, and giving new life to unwanted stuff.  For me, for you, for everyone. There are things we all need and want – and I’m all about finding ways to get us those things as frugally as possible.  2.5 years ago, a little girl came into my world – and if you have a little girl, you know all about all the pretty little dress there are out there…and it would be so easy to ALL   uh, hem…far too many of them.. But, alas, that would break the bank…and so, I decided I better learn to sew…lucky for me, I inherited a horse of a sewing machine from my grandmother…so no need to buy one of those…so, off to shop for fabric I go…Um. Well…guess what?  The fabric to make a dress costs almost as much as a new or used dress!  WHAT?  So, back to the drawing board….

Of course, my first project for her was the ever popular pillow case dress….so, yep, you guessed it..headed to goodwill and bought some pillowcases…and 2-3 mess ups later, I had some super cute dresses…Now, I had already made myself a Princess Leia costume from an old sheet, so I just knew I could do more than that… and with the help of some amazing bloggers, tutorialists, YouTubers,  I figured it all out.    I can sew all of these wonderful dresses, accessories, etc…from sheets. sheets. and more sheets. Sew many sheets!

My favorite things to make?  Well, dresses of course. My favorite thing to make for others?  Nap mat covers, cases, etc.  Why?  Because they quick and easy, and I can save you some serious dough.  A quick little search for a nap mat cover will tell you that you can easily pay over $50.00 for something for your child to sleep on at preschool…And, yes, I have made one of those snazzy covers from all new fabrics…and, yes, I will happily make you one, too.  But, I can also make a few snips and snitches in a second hand sheet and offer you a simple cover that will last all through preschool and beyond for much less.  But that’s just one example of simple fabulousness.  If you can dream it, I’ll bet I can figure it out…

Of course I make other things – it’s too much fun to sew.  And, of course, all around our home you’ll find different and upcycled uses of things and I will share some of those with you here.  I have several spinning in my head right now – just need a good day to snap some pictures for you.

So, follow along on our journey and we’ll have some fun – maybe you’ll buy something, maybe you won’t – I will just hope you will walk away having learned something useful and with a smile on your face.

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