There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Four hours. Four dollars.
Well them. Let’s get to it. We’re going to go over how to do a breast self-exam and I’m going to give you several resources
You ever sit down to REALLY get caught up on your personal Bible Study, thinking you’ll get through LOTS and LOTS of scripture…and God just
Knowing we what we know of God, of science, of humanity…can it not be that all of this ‘sciency stuff’ can only be explained as a part of the master plan of the Creator of the Universe?
I’ll be honest, I never realize this day is coming up until I see it posted by a friend. It’s something I’m always hesitant to
6 And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. Genesis 6:6 This verse breaks my heart…that God would look
I couldn’t be more excited about this set and the opportunity it gives us all to GIVE to specific individual women, not corporations. Touching Lives.
October is the month we all wear pink and raise awareness for breast cancer. Breast Cancer is an especially difficult ordeal for women because it can affect so many aspects of our lives, and the scars…physical and mental, are often permanent. But it’s not always us that goes through it…sometimes it’s our friend, or family member or spouse. The worst thing we can do is to pretend it’s not happening and go on with life as usual.
Yep. I’m bad at calendar math and posted three days on the wrong day. My bad. So, in Two Days, you can order yours! And,