If you’ve ever had the pleasure of working in a factory setting, you know what a ‘hot list’ is…it’s those things that HAVE to get
This week, most of watched the inauguration ceremony as it happened, live streaming on our favorite outlet. At a time when our country is so
I don’t make it a habit to open up the news first thing in the morning, but these are, for lack of a less overused
Such a a powerful animal, inside and out. One thing we can all agree on is that the wolf commands our respect. A strong and
Are you ready for it? This year? The one that we don’t really know quite what to do with or expect from? Nothing really magical
Hello, world. I had a post planned today to share with you my 2021 Word of the Year, but alas…I woke up to a beautiful
Found this in my drafts from April 2020… Before the Tornado hit Tennessee and city officials asked us to stay home to allow for clean
Merry Christmas! May your day be blessed and your memories sweet. Love each other as Jesus loves each of you. Many Blessings, Cindi
Gilbert took a little break from his regular shenanigans last night to pause and help us to reflect on a great loss. It’s hard to
She was sent out. It was not time. She was sent out. The world was not ready for her. She was sent out. There was