I have questions. Does that mean I’m motivated?
It’s really hard to peel myself off the couch with all of these sweet cuddles.
I spent the better part of the weekend on the couch, trying to either survive or not further exacerbate a rib out of place. It’s an unfortunate thing, and something that happens occasionally, especially if I don’t maintain chiropractic visits. Luckily, it’s made quite tolerable by my fur babies – and endless streaming binges.
The main issue with this is that I don’t really get much done – because, basically, it just hurts to do anything…and I’d prefer to avoid pain whenever possible. This means that I managed to get myself a little behind on my work again, especially the blog posts.
That’s where you come in, dear readers! Particularly those of you that blog…and I’m pretty confident that is most of my readership…

I know I’m overthinking this…
As many of you know, I set out the new year with a new word…TACKLE. In regards to this blog, that translates to the following thoughts and plans:
- Have a plan and more organized content – specific topics on specific days. Misc content saved for weekends.
- Spend time each reading other blogs
- Spend time each LEARNING about blogging and website management
- Post consistently
- tackle the hard posts
- remove dated and irrelevant posts
- write and post the ‘hard posts’
- the ones that are ‘heavier’
- the ones that take extra research
- the ones that might be controversial
- the ones that are relevant to readers, even if not to me.
Here are the questions that I have:
I want to know about YOUR blog and how you manage things…we are all, of course, going to have our own ways of doing things and there’s not always ONE RIGHT WAY…
I’ve spent lots of time ‘experimenting’ with different thing to drive more traffic, and reading blogs and watching informational videos on blogs. I’ve learned there are some things I’m doing well, but some things not so well…my personality is ALL OVER THE PLACE…and that just doesn’t work for a blog…or web traffic… I’d just to love to know your life and brain work together to make things work…
- Is blogging a hobby or a job for you?
- If it’s a job, is it part time, or full time?
- Do you have a job, part or full time, outside of blogging?
- Do you write posts ahead of time, or post as you write?
- Do you have a schedule of what to post when on regular weeks? Meaning no holidays or occasions land that week?
- If you get off track, do you skip and circle back to posts, or just pick up where you left off? Does anyone even notice or care if you try to post certain topics on certain days?
- What is your FAVORITE thing about blogging?
- Do you call your site a ‘website’, a ‘blog’, or both? I don’t think this matters, does it? I’m more curious than anything.
- Do you keep your blog on one topic, or more than one? If more than one, how do you organize content?
- What is your MOST EFFECTIVE (either for YOU or your site) strategy for you blog?
One thing to focus on this week:
Lately, I’ve had a bad habit of not proofreading posts, or proofreading AFTER posting. I blame this only my self, but attribute that to the chaos that has existed in our home for the last month or so. have barely been able to even get the posts finished…and I’m usually so tired when I’m writing that I just want to be finished. The sad thing about that is that I LOVE blogging. I LOVE writing! I’m one of those people that can be very particular about grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc…so, it’s really hard for me to to NOT correct errors on my posts when I see them.
You may already be familiar with Income School on YouTube – lots of great tips on blogging and YouTube channels from this team! One thing mentioned recently is that each time a post is updated, the SEO rankings are kind of ‘reset’. This means that goiong back to update or add links, correct errors, etc…can void all of the rankings we may or may not have achieved with a particular post. What that means for me is thinking ahead and creating any links that I might have added LATER, even if they aren’t quite ready to go…I’ll be working on that AND proofreading this week!
This is the second ‘Motivational Monday‘ Post – if you’re a WordPress User, are you taking advantage of ‘Reusable Blocks?’ I’m finding these VERY helpful as I attempt to build daily themes – for example, you can just click the button below and see all of the Monday Motivational posts!
All I have to do is type ‘Monday Motivation’ in my block selector, or really just ‘Monday’, and it gives me the option of adding this button that I saved as a reusable block!
I LOVE shortcuts and time savers!
What is your focus this week?
Thanks for your input and participation!
I cannot WAIT to read through your answers.
Much Love to you and yours!

Self proclaimed Godmother of the Messy Bun Mafia.