The Messy Bun Mafia

Hair. Coffee. Moments.

My 30 Trial of the Curly Girl Method

This is my account of 30 days of changing up my curly hair routines to fit the recommendations of Lorraine Massey, in her book, Curly Girl: The Handbook. Unfortunately, I neglected to save my notes on my phone – so, we basically have a detailed account of my first day, and then some final thoughts, recollections, and recommendations. My goal was to add each day as it happened, but that didn’t exactly happen. Fortunately, I did a little bit of video journaling – so you can hear my thoughts as you watch and see the videos/photos there! I chose not use filters on photos so that you can see reality, rather than false perfection. I only used highlight/conceal filters on the video occasionally to focus in on a particular part of a photo.

CONFESSION: I am a terrible journaler.


The journal of Day One comes first. Jump to other sections by clicking what you’re looking for below:

What you might want to know going in: I have been using curly hair strategies for about 2 years. That means that I did have a great deal of insight going into this test, and was already using ‘approved’ products. Also, my hair is already at a very happy, healthy place. The only ‘negative’, really, is that I’m still growing out box dye. And, that’s only a negative if you see it as one. We all do our own thing!

Day One

I have not finished reading the book yet, but have read the bulk of chapter, and wash techniques for my curl type. According to Massey’s images and descriptions, I have 2b, 2c, & 3a curls & waves. In Massey’s book, as I was reading, I thought I would use her definition of Botticelli curls, though I’m pretty sure I got that wrong – it’s a little tricky to go by pictures and descriptions.

Don’t put too much stress on figuring out your curl type if it isn’t obvious. Most of the techniques discussed in the Handbook will for most, if not all, curl types.

For me, today is a co-wash day. I don’t feel that I need to fully wash my hair, but do need to cleanse it a little and add more hydration! I have not really been on the ball this week, and my hair has been up most of the week. I have only taken it down a couple of times to spritz it with water, and one day I did add extra stylers.

Here is my hair just taken down from simple twist on top of my head, with no styling, and ready for the shower:

curly hair just before washing.
Hair JUST taken down after not being fully properly tended all week, though not neglected.

What changed for me today:

I typically wash and style upside down. I learned this method, initially, from Logan Spring of “Consciously Curly“. Today, I did not do that, as Massey explained how to cleanse without even mentioning flipping upside down. That was a little different, though I can say it was much more comfortable in our small shower stall.

I also spent a little more time cleansing, working in deliberate circular motions with my finger tips in the pattern suggested by Massey. I found this a little bit challenging, as my hair is thick and dense, and I’m using to doing this upside down.

I used my fingers and hands instead of comb to detangle. I did not do much detangling until AFTER adding conditioner, as recommended. Massey recommends NEVER using brushes or combs, despite how products are labeled as this can disrupt your natural curl pattern. I’ll decide at the end of this 30 journey how much I actually miss the comb, and my denman brush. I did break down at one point and grab the comb for a couple of sections to get out rather stubborn tangles (my fault for not properly protecting my hair while sleeping.)

I did use a little more conditioner than normal.

I did not rinse my conditioner. This is something I used to do prior to my curly journey’s start, about 2 years ago. At that time, I was not using quality products, though I had found some that I liked at local stores that were much better than what I had used in the past.

I did not use a comb or brush to distribute stylers.

Instead of a plop, I simply gently wrapped my favorite hair towel around my hair and gently squeezed out excess moisture. This is the method recommended by Massey. I also gently cupped and scrunched (IS THIS THE RIGHT WORD?) from the ends, as my hair is quite long. Because of this, I didn’t wait as long as I usually do to add my gel.

Day one of a 30 trial of the curly girl method after cowashing.
Here, just after co-wash, you can already see the need for additional hydration.

What didn’t change:

I haven’t read through the styling portion of chapter four yet, so I still added my favorite ‘filler’, Innersense Organics Whipped Cream texturizer. I did not, however, use a comb or brush to distrubute this as I usally do. I applied this in the shower, as usual, to soaking wet hair.

I added my favorite sealer, Ecoslay Orange Marmalade Gel, after squeezing out excess moisture. Again, I did not use a comb or brush to distribute this as I usually do.

I did clip my roots with Aimike styling clips as usual.

What I noticed was different for my hair:

I found it hard to determine if my hair was fully saturated/moisturized.

After using my hair towel, I noticed some dryer portions of hair (this is not atypical for me) and spritzed those with water, gently squeezing that water in. That solved the problem as it generally does, though I still had some ‘wet frizz’.

After cowashing and gently drying with a hair towel, you can see a large area that is in desperate need of more water. This is after spritzing with water. I don’t feel like my hair is as hydrated as it usually is, but I imagine these techniques will take some time to get used to and master.

For this experiment, I followed the guidelines and instructions from the Massey’s book. You may be able to check it out from your local library. It is available for purchase on Amazon.

Here’s the video journal of my 30 day Curly Girl Experiment

You’ll notice, mid way through, I did give up on figuring out what day it was – if you only knew how many hours I spent trying to sort and organize pictures! Note to self – if you’re going to commit to journaling and journey, actually commit and work on it EVERY DAY! I have pictures everywhere and was so bummed to not have notes to go with them!

CGM #curlyhair #lorrainemassey I Tried the Curly Girl Method for 30 Days

You’ll see a collection of photos, plus video commentary on a few days of this journey. I do hope you find it helpful!

The Pro’s and Cons

Having completed this journey, and having had some time to reflect – here are the things about following the Handbook that I loved, and where my learning curves are. I tried to make a true ‘cons’ list, but there really ARE NO CONS!

What I Loved
  • Easier wash days
  • Less product
  • Simple refresh
  • Shine
  • More wave closer to roots
  • More consistent ‘refresh’ and in-between days.
My Learning Curves
  • More Frizz
  • Fully Saturation Hair is still challenging
  • I miss my Denman Brush

This was one of my favorite days of the entire process – waves to the roots – soft, bouncy curls. You can see I’m still working on saturation and definition, but these aren’t really major concerns for me. I’ll get there – This was a VERY long day for me – several things on the calendar, including parent teacher conferences. My hair held up BEAUTIFULLY the entire day, and I even kept it down ALL DAY!

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, I find Lorraine’s recommendations to be simple, practical AND affordable. Less fuss, and fewer products. That’s always a plus – especially if you’re finding yourself constantly buying new products that you think will work better than the last ones.

Having chronic pain among other things, being able to effectively cleanse, condition, and hydrate without flipping my head (aka half my body in a small shower stall) upside down has absolutely changed my life. Will I still flip upside down now and then? Probably – maybe – but meh – it feels so much better not to!

What did I gain from this experiment?

1. I learned more about my hair, and what it will do if left to it’s own devises when properly cared for, hydrated, and NOT manipulated.

2. I gained tremendous insight to the entire ‘curly world’ and am better equipped to guide, encourage, and teach my readers, friends, an colleagues who want to know more about curly hair strategies. Yes, I still have much to learn. There is always more to learn!

Will I continue with Lorraine’s strategies?

YES, without question. Will I add some of my own previously learned strategies? Yes. Overall, I feel like when I’m ‘finished’ testing adding and taking away my ‘old ways’, I’ll be pretty close to ‘by the book.

There’s a common misconception out there in the curly hair community that to be a ‘curly girl’, you have to follow all the rules…the interesting thing is that I didn’t get that impression at all from reading this book, or following it’s methods. After being exposed to many different resources, forums, and groups over the last couple of years, it’s my guess that this misconception has stemmed from others trying to create a perfect utopia of people following Lorraine’s strategies to the letter – but it certainly doesn’t seem to stem from this book, or from any content that I’ve seen created or endorsed by Massey herself.

Recommendations You Can Use!

Should you do it? Well, that depends…do you have curls or waves? (hint if you have frizz, you do.)

If you do have curls or waves, I would 100% recommend reading this book and putting the strategies to work on your hair.

What if I don’t like what I read?

If you don’t like it, don’t do it! It’s really that simple! I’ll give you this advice, though: Don’t knock ’til you try it! Give it more than a week. If you’re brand new to your curly journey, you’re going to want to give it more than a month. I’d guess 3-4 months will give you the information you need. If you’re following other strategies already, give it at least a month.

What if I am already happy with my hair?

If you already love what you’re doing, and the results you’re getting – honey, please don’t complicate things! Here are your options:

  • Keep doing what you’re doing and pretend you never read this post.
  • If things are too complicated, or you feel like you’re doing too much, give a try and see how you like it.
Will Lorraine’s methods set my Curly Journey back?

Nope. If nothing else, it will make it BETTER and more successful. Even if you don’t end up sticking with Massey’s methods, you’ll have learned so much. And there’s nothing in this Handbook that will harm your hair, or your curls.

Please do let me know what other questions you have! We still have several weeks to go on this #ThirstyThursday, Curly Hair Series and I look forward to helping you understand the processes and methods, and get the results you’re looking for!

I see you there.

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