My 30 Trial of the Curly Girl Method

This is my account of 30 days of changing up my curly hair routines to fit the recommendations of Lorraine Massey, in her book, Curly Girl: The Handbook. Unfortunately, I neglected to save my notes on my phone – so, we basically have a detailed account of my first day, and then some final thoughts,Continue reading “My 30 Trial of the Curly Girl Method”

The History of the Curly Girl Method

What is it? Where did it come from? What has it evolved to? If you’re not already familiar with it, the first question you likely have is what is the Curly Girl Method? There’s a long and short answer that. Let’s see if we can land somewhere in the middle…you can decide how deep youContinue reading “The History of the Curly Girl Method”

Curly Girl Method? Not Sure Where to Start? Right Here.

Decided to take yourself down that little rabbit hole that is the Curly Girl Method, did you? Well…don’t say you weren’t warned. You’re going to be bombarded with SO MUCH information – much of it contradictory – that your head will spin, but, hey, maybe you’ll get some good curls out of that whirly twirly?

What is a plop?

Seriously, the 12 year old inside my head wants to laugh every time I hear this word…so what the heck? I learned this technique, not knowing it was an actual thing, a couple of years ago when a friend posted on Facebook how she slept with her wet hair soaked in conditioner & wrapped upContinue reading “What is a plop?”

Curly Hair Wash Day!

⭐Full Video How To ⭐ I’m not sure I got it all 100% right…but I gave it my best! And we will NOT discuss how many hours it took to edit and put this all together 😂😂😂 This is a year in the making – FINALLY feel like I have enough figured out to share withContinue reading “Curly Hair Wash Day!”

I gave myself a haircut…and this is how it went…

Are you stuck with your hair? Not able to make it to the salon? I want to first assure you that it’s GOING TO BE OK! No one is judging…and if they are, then look away, ok?