Have you used this site or app? Pretty fascinating! It’s like IG for bloggers! Just discovered… follow me here: Follow my blog with Bloglovin
What I meant to say was….I hate asking for money as much as you hate me asking for it…
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Sermon by Michael DiMarco, Discussion Questions by Paul Turner, Random thoughts/notes by me. Your thoughts and reflections are welcome!
My sweet friend, Tray is having a Giveaway! Get all the details here…
‘You know, I’ve been here so much, this is like my second home.’ The words out of my daughter’s friend’s mouth both blessed my heart
Boy, I have neglected this – since January…and it’s supposed to be a daily thing for me…and it’s usually something I do I on IG and FB – but today… there is just so much.
Today is for Nashville Customers and Shoppers: stores in affected areas will be low in stock due to more people shopping for basics – power outages, lost homes, workers in the area, etc. please remember that our stores typically restock
Shelters that I am aware of:
…the ‘next right thing’ for me is choosing to focus on the positives rather than one negative interaction that lasted less than 3 minutes.