Invite Him Fully in…

Happy Friday! Today, I want to share with you Vanessa’s post from earlier this month. It is SUCH a powerful prayer, and a message I desperately needed to be reminded of this month. It was so timely, and I hope that it will be the same for you. Head on over and give it aContinue reading “Invite Him Fully in…”

Can You Refuse Based on Religious Exemption?

Absolutely you can play the religion card. But you need to make darn sure you mean it and aren’t just trying to make a point. If you’re trying to make a social or political statement, do that. Make THAT stand. That’s an entirely different topic that, frankly, I’m not even going to touch. If you REALLY don’t want the vaccine for religious reasons, make sure you mean it… Let’s talk about WHY you need to mean it: personally, legally, and morally.

Why We Must Care for New & Expectant Mothers

By Design, the Rooster Crows Have you ever been up early enough, or stayed up late enough, to hear the rooster crow? It’s still dark outside. On a clear night, you can still see the stars. The Rooster Crows to wake the farmer. My thoughts are that it allows the farmer time to wake, haveContinue reading “Why We Must Care for New & Expectant Mothers”

Do What Makes You Oh-So Happy?

I recently gave my daughter an art project, which she hasn’t quite finished yet…but I’m hoping she will before this is ready to post. (UPDATE! SHE DID!!!) I was gifted a sign recently that reads, ‘Do what makes you oh so happy.’ Her project is cross out the word ‘you’ and write GOD in itsContinue reading “Do What Makes You Oh-So Happy?”

Our Thoughts Should Not Be Our Own

Our thoughts can be a dangerous thing…it’s easy to ignore this part of our spiritual development. And yet, our thoughts can control our moods and our actions. They can affect our relationships with others, and with God. These thoughts can be about ourselves, our situations, other people, the world in general, or specific events…really, nothingContinue reading “Our Thoughts Should Not Be Our Own”

Are you in or out?

We’ve all had to adapt to very different lives over the course of the past year. One of the areas that has changed the most in my household is Church. We rarely miss a Sunday, and are at church most Wednesday evenings. Under normal circumstances. Circumstances are anything but normal. We started off back inContinue reading “Are you in or out?”

Share Some Love This Weekend!

I much prefer to call February 14th ‘Chocolate Day.’ It can be filled so many mixed feelings for so many, a real roller coaster of emotions. So, we try to just have fun with it…we had a great laugh this morning when my husband had the table set with gifts, for my daughter and myself,Continue reading “Share Some Love This Weekend!”

Stop Procrastinating and Have a Little Faith in Yourself.

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of working in a factory setting, you know what a ‘hot list’ is…it’s those things that HAVE to get done. Those orders, or products or processes that take #1 priority, regardless of what else is going on. If you’ve never worked in a factory, I encourage you to considerContinue reading “Stop Procrastinating and Have a Little Faith in Yourself.”