Wolf Quotes for the Women, the Leaders of the Pack
Such a a powerful animal, inside and out. One thing we can all agree on is that the wolf commands our respect. A strong and powerful predator, the wolf teaches us about inner strength, discipline, protection, and loyalty. While observing these traits, we can also apprecitate the wolf’s tender, loyal, and playful side. We recently watched The Kingdom of the White Wolf by National Geographic on Disney Plus. It was wonderful to watch explorer and photographer, Ronan Donavan, patiently work his way into a position of safe observation of a small family of wolves. He had to travel to the far arctic to get this close up view, where the wolves had not been exposed to people and might not be afraid of him. If you enjoy nature documentaries, I highly recommend this film. Watching this video, and being a husky owner, led me down a trail of seeking wolf quotes, and finding biblical references to wolves. Find those below.
There are additional images at the bottom of this post – feel free to use those with my permission, as long as logo remains.
The quotes & verses, of course, are not mine. I have linked as many of those as possible to the original author.
Here’s a short clip from the the series:
The intelligence of the wolf cannot be ignored. The fear of the wolf and it’s demonic nature likely comes from long gone history…a time of more shepherding, a time of prevalent rabies, a time when we simply did not understand the world. The fact is that wolves are highly intelligent and social predators. We cannot ignore the innate drive to feed and protect the pack. It’s easy to see why wolves were used as symbols of cunning and vicious behavior in ancient literature, and why this connection can still be drawn. We have learned so much, though, in recent years about the wolf. This makes it easier to focus on their loyalty and inner strength.

As women, we support and teach each other. Though we may not be physically together, we are there…calling out, reaching out, encouraging, and sharing. Make sure your pack is strong and wise.
“That night the wind was howling almost like a wolf and there were some real wolves off to the west giving it lessons.” – George R.R. Martin
One of the hardest things, for me, was staying calm. Being quiet while entrenched in the ‘deep waters’ of this pandemic. Not being able to howl. Not being able to let out a scream. And yet, I was always ready to do what was needed…as calmly as humanly possible. I wish I could say that that I always kept my composure and showed the grace and strength of a wolf, but that is simply not the case.
“In the calm, deep waters of the mind, the wolf waits.” – F.T. McKinstry
Someone did right by Mr. King. This one applies well to everyone..if we don’t protect one another, especially our family, who’s to stop the predators?
“Growing up, I was taught that a man has to defend his family. When the wolf is trying to get in, you gotta stand in the doorway.” – B. B. King

This one, being a husky mom, just made me smile. Isn’t it amazing how they draw us in with their strength and resolve? My father also taught me to bat my eyes and smile to get my way…a skill I have passed on to my daughter…
May your resolve be strong and you always look cute.
“When a wolf doesn’t want to do something, they look really cute. ” – Michelle Paver
For any of us to say that we didn’t experience fear in some form of fashion last year, would be a lie. Did it help you to rise up? Did it help you to be stronger? Did it encourage you to reach out to others? It can be so easy to freeze in fear. It’s a natural tendency. That’s the trap. It’s rarely as bad it appears or feels. Push past that fear.
“Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.” – German Proverb
Take care – the enemy knows how to trick and trap us…some of the most beautiful things in our lives can be the most dangerous.
“A wolf is no less a wolf because he’s dressed in sheepskin and the devil is no less the devil because he’s dressed as an angel.” – Lecrae

‘Sheep’ has been a common and hateful refrain over the last year. Just remember to pay attention to your Shepherd. And, if you want to join the wolf pack, be prepared to match their howls. Know the ‘pack’ you choose.
“When one runs with the wolves, on must howl with the pack.” – Leon Trotsky
How hungry were you last year? Did you step out of your comfortable, safe, hidden spot to fill that void?
“Hunger drives the wolf out of the wood.” – German Proverb
There is so much we can learn from wolves…if we take nothing else, let us take they pure joy they take from simply being together.

“They say the wolf bestows its happy spirit to help people. Women who obtain this spirit become skilled in creative endeavors and experience a strengthening of the senses. I would like to think there is some truth to this in my own life.” – Judi Rideout
*The Channing Collection Pictured throughout this post is, unfortunately, retired. I may be able to find pieces for you – please reach out HERE if you are interested. Only include as much information on that form as you are comfortable with. Only one form of contact is required. (Don’t worry- I won’t spam you or add you to a list!) Links on products (www.lillarose.com/cindimoore) will allow you to view other currently available hair accessories. You may also simply comment on this post for more information.
I did find this lovely Wolf Hairstick on Amazon that might be a nice option!
This one really requires no commentary…we all know the story…
“Crying wolf is a real danger.” – David Attenborough

We all have times where we are right where we need to be…it’s so easy to get complacent and stop climbing…oh, but look out when we have places to go…
“The wolf on the hill is not as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
This is one of my personal favorites…like, “I just dare you.”
“Throw me to the wolves & I’ll return leading the pack” ― Unknown

We all have times where we are right where we need to be…it’s so easy to get complacent and stop climbing…oh, but look out when we have places to go…
“The gaze of the wolf reaches into our soul.” – Barry Lopez
This one makes me NOT want to learn about a wolf’s true personality…we know the dangers…but tend to focus on the strength and tranquility….let us not be blind…
“Wolves fail to hide their integrity just like the way men fail to hide their own animality.” – Munia Khan
Wolves in the Word
Wolves and sheep are often used as symbols in literature and speaches, even in the Bible. Christians are often referred to as the ‘flock’, Jesus as the ‘Shephard’, and enemies as “wolves.” Unfortunately, the metaphor of the sheep has come to suggest that Christians are mindless creatures, willing to follow whomever leads them. This is simply not the case, nor it is what Christ intended to convey.
We are His sheep, His Flock, because He, the Savior of the World, is here to guide and protect us. To help us avoid falling prey to the wolf. Now, this is, I know, an odd twist to this post, treating the wolf with reverence and awe, and then addressing it’s fierce, cunning, and dangerous nature. What I believe, though, is that we can live in awe of our majestic wild animals, while still understanding and respecting their innate skills and behaviors. And, I’m looking more at the symbolism than the literal traits and behaviors of the wolf. Biblical references to wolves are meant to warn of us of enemies that come to destroy us, the flock of Christ so that we are always aware of the dangers the world presents to us.
Not because he expects us to just stay in a safe little circle of sheep…but because he knows we will wander and stray. He knows that we will be drawn to the wolf and it’s beauty. He knows that we need Him to draw us back in.
This verse is part of a conversation the Apostle Paul had with church leaders, warning them to keep watch over their flocks, and to protect them from the distorted truths that would come from many to entice Christ Followers.

The words of Jesus, speaking to his twelve disciples, warning them to be aware, and to keep their noses clean. This same warning is share in Luke 10:3
“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.” – Matthew 10:16
“I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock;” – Acts 20:29

Ezekiel, a prophet and religious leader, warned against the vicious nature of people of Babylon. There many parallels to today’s U.S. political climate in this book.
Her princes in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey, to shed blood, to destroy people, and to get dishonest gain. – Ezekiel 22:27
*The Channing Collection Pictured throughout this post is, unfortunately, retired. I may be able to find pieces for you – please reach out HERE if you are interested. Only include as much information on that form as you are comfortable with. Only one form of contact is required. (Don’t worry- I won’t spam you or add you to a list!) Links on products (www.lillarose.com/cindimoore) will allow you to view other currently available hair accessories. You may also simply comment on this post for more information. I did find this lovely Wolf Hairstick on Amazon that might be a nice option!
Ravenous: Extremely hungry; Ravenous Wolf: Beware.
“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” – Matthew 7:15
Extra Images & Quotes

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Much Love to you and yours!

Self proclaimed Godmother of the Messy Bun Mafia.