Merry Christmas | Carrie Stephens

A Christmas post worth sharing from author, Carrie Stephens: The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had seen and heard, which were just as they had been told. Luke 2:20 Is “happily ever after” real? If you’ve ever wrestled with questions like, “Will this next treatment finally heal me?” orContinue reading “Merry Christmas | Carrie Stephens”

Invite Him Fully in…

Happy Friday! Today, I want to share with you Vanessa’s post from earlier this month. It is SUCH a powerful prayer, and a message I desperately needed to be reminded of this month. It was so timely, and I hope that it will be the same for you. Head on over and give it aContinue reading “Invite Him Fully in…”

Can You Refuse Based on Religious Exemption?

Absolutely you can play the religion card. But you need to make darn sure you mean it and aren’t just trying to make a point. If you’re trying to make a social or political statement, do that. Make THAT stand. That’s an entirely different topic that, frankly, I’m not even going to touch. If you REALLY don’t want the vaccine for religious reasons, make sure you mean it… Let’s talk about WHY you need to mean it: personally, legally, and morally.

Why We Must Care for New & Expectant Mothers

By Design, the Rooster Crows Have you ever been up early enough, or stayed up late enough, to hear the rooster crow? It’s still dark outside. On a clear night, you can still see the stars. The Rooster Crows to wake the farmer. My thoughts are that it allows the farmer time to wake, haveContinue reading “Why We Must Care for New & Expectant Mothers”

Ultimate Hair Care Push Presents for New & Expectant Mothers

I’m not a part of the generation that received push presents…seriously…if baby Daddy remembered to bring flowers to the hospital, we were doing good…but, apparently it’s a thing now. Let’s talk about that! I know. We’re a little off topic from our normal Thursday curly hair topics – but, curly girls have babies, too…so, hereContinue reading “Ultimate Hair Care Push Presents for New & Expectant Mothers”

Take the Leap…Even it’s Just One Tiny Hop.

My (adult) life history wrapped up in a few sentences: I got a degree in education. I became a teacher. I got married, then divorced. I started a business with my father. I bought a house. I had a baby. I focused on above business & baby. I taught the teachers. I got married andContinue reading “Take the Leap…Even it’s Just One Tiny Hop.”

Do What Makes You Oh-So Happy?

I recently gave my daughter an art project, which she hasn’t quite finished yet…but I’m hoping she will before this is ready to post. (UPDATE! SHE DID!!!) I was gifted a sign recently that reads, ‘Do what makes you oh so happy.’ Her project is cross out the word ‘you’ and write GOD in itsContinue reading “Do What Makes You Oh-So Happy?”