The Messy Bun Mafia

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woman's hand hold The Weekly Habits project Book with banner reading book review

BOOK REVIEW: The Weekly Habits Project: A Challenge to Journal Reflect, and Make Tiny Changes for Big Results

They say it takes three weeks to create a new habit…how many times have you tried to be more organized or focuses, or simply clean up your space? How are those to do lists working out for you? Now, I love a good to do list as much as the next girl…but what if we’re looking at it all wrong…because I can promise you, no list ever fixed anything. It just give you list of things to do…or worse, a list of things you probably already know you likely won’t even begin to accomplish. So, what if we took a different approach to getting our crap together? Read on for my thoughts on this Project and how you can might get your hands on a free copy! If this doesn’t sound like it’s quite right for you, jump on down – there’s an entire series that even includes a Prayer Project for Kids!

Do your to do’s better…

This is not just another journal on habits, or how to make a to do list. The Weekly Habits Project takes you on a year-long, spiritual journey into the roots of your current habits, the how and why of what you want to create or improve, and those who want to eliminate.

Each week there’s a verse to focus on this includes a brief commentary, encouraging readers to look at things like daily distractions, uncommon hardships, our backgrounds and other common stumbling blocks to building and maintaining productive habits.

woman with pool bag holding The Weekly Habits project Book with banner reading book review
It seems that each year brings it’s own challenges and focus. With God at the center, the right people supporting you, and the right tools in your box, you can stay focused and move toward your goals.
I have spent about a year focused on self-care – and I don’t mean fancy things; I’m talking basic self care. Having lost my mother and assisted my siblings in handling her estate, to say that 2023 an emotional and challenging year would be an understatement. This really brought into focus for me how very little I did to ensure that my basic needs were met, and brought to light the harsh reality of how few boundaries I had in place to ensure that I could function on a basic level when the world crashed around me in big and small ways. It’s easy to neglect ourselves as a parents and caregivers. I assure you, there are ways to care for yourself without neglecting those you love. In fact, as you’ve been told countless times…it’s absolutely crucial that you put your oxygen mask on first and foremost. The Weekly Habits Project couldn’t have landed in my lap at a better time as I continue to struggle with allowing life’s distractions to pull me away from my personal and professional goals. I am very excited to add this journal to my spiritual toolbox and see what truths unfold. Will you take this journey with me?

The Weekly Habits Project goes on to discussed focusing our attention on things above and on the things that matter in our world, and how to push through those times when our habits feel more like work than they should. There is a consistent message of comfort, and a reminder that our God is faithful. The journal reminds us that God is faithful, and that he is our protector and God Throughout the book. The title suggest of the journal is a “challenge to journal, reflect, and make a tiny changes for big results.“

Will you be able to ditch your to-do list by the end of your challenge?

From my perspective, The Weekly Habits Project sets out to help us ditch our to do-list, but to have a better and more focused, less harried approached to our days and habits; to take unnecessary worry and stress away from the tasks of the day so that we can focus on what we need to accomplish.

Here are some of my take-aways:

-Given that you have a week to reflect on each topic I would have liked to see more than just one verse per week. I would encourage you to take deeper into the context of each verse. It is easy to do this as the scripture reference is listed without the verse being given, so, in order to read the verse, you’ll need to look it up. I love this, and hope that you will consider surrounding text as you complete this journal. Some of the commentary does dig into surrounding verses.

-I love the book leaves you with ample writing space ponder the challenge questions provided each week. You can use as little or as much of that space as you’d like. I also love that it is a hardback book, making it a little more special and durable to ensure it gets through the year!

-I love that there is no ‘need to do’ list – none of us need that. Just being given the grace of the week to ponder, reflect, and implement what is on our minds based on the week’s message is much kinder. Being given to do list would have a Books as often something we all just fail at and often want to throw across the room, am I right?

If strengthening your faith and and hoping for more structure and productive, calmer days is what you were hoping to find in this journal, Zondervan has produced a beautiful heart felt too in the weekly have his project.

If you are seeking purposes, be sure to check out the companion, journal: the weekly purpose, project: a challenge to journal, reflect, and pursue purpose.

Want to win a free copy of the Weekly Habits Projects?

If you’re ready to unlock your best self, enter the giveaway for a free copy of the Weekly Habits Project- a transformative journal to elevate your life!

Thanks so much for reading! Click the link below to dig a little deeper into this beautiful series and get your copy! At my last check, they were on sale!

More books in the Series from Zondervan include the Weekly Prayer Project, The Weekly Faith Project, The Weekly Self-Care Project, The Weekly Prayer Project for Kids, The Weekly Gratitude Project, the Weekly Purpose Project, and the book reviewed here, the Weekly Habits Project. I have linked them all here for you on Amazon:

I received a free copy of The Weekly Habits Project in return for my unbiased review. Purchase and giveaway links were provided and are not affiliate links, with the exception of the Amazon Links to the Weekly Project book series at the end of the post. I am an amazon affiliate and do earn from that link only on this post.

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