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Book review can I say that by Brenna blain. Shows book with boots and woman looking over eye glasses at book.

Can I Say That? by Brenna Blain| BOOK REVIEW

So many times we are afraid to ask or say, or do…or we are simply shut down…or maybe we imagine that we will be; the problem is, the questions don’t go way, nor do the struggles, the pain, the doubt, the hurt, the…you fill in the blank…in Can I Say That? Brenna Blain gives us a safe space to ask the toughest questions and know that our Creator truly does see us and know us just as we are, in what condition we come to Him…

In Can I Say That?, Brenna Blain brings her fresh voice to those who feel unsafe or unwelcome in the church, acknowledging the incongruity between the church’s actions and believers’ lived experiences. As a Bible teacher and an advocate for those who have experienced abuse, molestation, and mental health crises, she creates space for readers to be radically honest and ask tough questions—Am I safe here? Why does your presence feel so lonely, God?—while pointing them to biblical, foundational truth.

Now, let’s get started.

My daughter saw me reading this book and asked me what I was reading and what it was about. I said it’s kind of about all the things you’re “not supposed to talk about “ at church. That immediately got her attention and she asked if she can read it when I was done. Of course I’m going to hand it to her. The thing about teenagers…if you say too much, they’re not listening. So, that’s all the information I gave her.

The title alone…I answered with a resounding ‘YES, YES YOU CAN!’ I then proceeded to go through an entire pad of post it notes on things I wanted to share with you. There is so very much, but you can watch the video below to see why I decided not to try to do that. Brenna gives us the real and honest thoughts and questions in her beautiful Christ seeking soul from her youth up to her current life. Yes, that’s right…real people who teach and preach about Jesus actually have real struggles and and real questions. She walks us through the recent history of the church and what parts of that she and many of us lived, learned, and struggled through and how it impacts our relationships and spiritual growth. Brenna also talks about some very difficult topics including eating disorders, suicide, mental illness, same-sex attraction, miscarriage, and addiction.

Why I love it.

For too long, these topics have been avoided or sugar coated in the church. Brenna walks us through some of her experiences and how those around her loved her, or failed to love her, and how she was impacted by the actions of the church whether that was her church or ‘the church’ as a whole. She also describes learning how to listen to and yield to the to voice of God and the Holy Spirit and how other people in her life were crucial in her survival, both literally and spiritually.

Being born in the 70s and a child of the 80s, I am very familiar with many of the things Brenna talks about experiencing in church, US, and world cultures. If I’m mathing it right, my teen and college years overlapped her childhood and early teens. Her experiences are so very relatable. As I watched my generation begin to break free from legalism, there were so many people broken and scorned by the church. Brenna talks about what has become known as ‘church hurt’ and how that can best be addressed scripturally.

Quote from the book and image with link to where you can purchase it.

In fact, every topic Brenna addresses, she addresses scripturally. Refreshingly, there’s nothing pulled out of context. you can see the time and love poured into her bible study and relationship with Christ. You get the whole picture. And while she doesn’t pull any punches, there is such gentleness there. There is truth…and there is love and safety in it.

Final thoughts.

Here are three final things I’d like to share, and then, the rest I decided to put in a video…because there is so very much. I couldn’t decide what was important. I’ve simply decided that what is most important is that you read this book. So, GRAB IT…read it…and after you buy it, click back over to the site and get some free supplemental materials that I know you’ll appreciate.

  • When finally I reached Brenna’s ‘answer’ to the question in the title….(no spoiler here…I want you to find it on your own…it’s SO fantastic)…I wanted do a mic drop.
  • When I finished the book, I wanted to stand up and applaud. I also wanted to write Brenna a letter. A very long, riduculously sappy letter.
  • So many times while reading this book, I wanted to send Brenna text message: “GIRRRL! ME TOO!”. “YES…THAT!”. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.” “What a great verse”. “Thanks for that one! Really got me.” “Ouch.” “You don’t have to wear the pink dress.” “You’re doing great.” “Just. Thank you.” “Say it again, for the people in the back.”

Combining a heart for Jesus and disciplined bible study, Brenna has asked and continues to ask and explore the hard questions. Go ahead…ask them, too…and see what you find.

Here are some additional thoughts…and a special invitation to Brenna when I came to really fun realization at the very end of the book...

Additional thoughts on this wonderful book! Because…y’all…I just had too many things to say.

I’d like to send my TREMENDOUS thanks to FrontGate Media, Thomas Nelson Publishing, and Brenna Blain for the opportunity to read and review this incredible book. I was provided with a copy of this book and a small compensation for my unbiased review. The links provided for purchase are not affiliate links.

Read more book reviews HERE.

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