The Messy Bun Mafia

Hair. Coffee. Moments.

What If They Didn’t Actually Do It??

Luke Chapter 1 introduces us to the reason for this account being written, and what it is about from a the perspective of Luke, a physician and eye witness to Christ’s ministry. This chapter carries us on a rapid journey beginning with Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth, and ending with the childhood of the man sent to us by the Almighty to prepare a way for Christ and his ministry.

A Lifetime of Thanksgiving – 400 years?

Did you know that 2020 marks the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving meal between the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Tribe? We often celebrate the coming together of two worlds that couldn’t be more different by feasting on our favorite comfort foods, all a little different in different regions of North America. We count our blessings, and list things we are thankful for. We teach our children, at least for a day, to be thankful for what they have. But what if…

Your friend has Cancer. Now what?

October is the month we all wear pink and raise awareness for breast cancer. Breast Cancer is an especially difficult ordeal for women because it can affect so many aspects of our lives, and the scars…physical and mental, are often permanent. But it’s not always us that goes through it…sometimes it’s our friend, or family member or spouse. The worst thing we can do is to pretend it’s not happening and go on with life as usual.

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