Did you know that 2020 marks the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving meal between the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Tribe? We often celebrate the coming together of two worlds that couldn’t be more different by feasting on our favorite comfort foods, all a little different in different regions of North America. We count our blessings, and list things we are thankful for. We teach our children, at least for a day, to be thankful for what they have. But what if…
Stockings are so much fun! You can find little things, big things, simple things, fancy things, wished for things, unexpected things…so many things. You just never know what you’re going to find in your stocking! Let’s look at a few ideas for you to fill those stockings!
Be aware. Know the signs. Don’t be a part of the problem. Be the solution. And so I am sure confident that God, who began
Whether you’re looking for a little something for yourself, or as a gift, these are all products that that I have used for quite some time, and absolutely love! You’ll find items at every price range. So, put together a basket make it pretty, and make someone’s day! We all could use a little at home pampering this year!
Did someone ever share a product with you that you thought you’d never ever need? And then you bought it like a month later? Yea. That’s totally what happened here.
Our Neighborhood Trick or Treat Map
When this child’s classmates were put on quarantine, he came up with a great solution to love on them!
When your husband is a UPS driver, you have children, you’re dealing with Chronic Pain, and you’re about nose-dive into the holiday season…this is how you survive.
Well them. Let’s get to it. We’re going to go over how to do a breast self-exam and I’m going to give you several resources
You ever sit down to REALLY get caught up on your personal Bible Study, thinking you’ll get through LOTS and LOTS of scripture…and God just