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woman holding cardboard sign with popcorn graphic. Movie poster of the firing squad in the background

The Firing Squad: True Story of Resilience and Faith – Nationwide Release – MOVIE REVIEW

Get Ready for an Unforgettable Experience: A Nationwide Release You Won’t Want to Miss!

I am thrilled to share with you my review of an inspiring new film based on true story that will be hitting theaters on August 2. Start spreading the word and be sure and check for free screening events in key cities.

Firing Squad will be released in 2,500 theaters across the country and I do hope you’ll make it! Here You’ll find all the details of the film: a brief breakdown of the main characters, the a parent’s guide, my personal review of the film, who you can and should share it with and how and where you can get in on screenings and where and when to catch the movie in theaters.

About “The Firing Squad” (2024)
🎥 Genre: Thriller/Drama
🌟 Director: Timothy Chey (Freedom, David and Goliath, and more!)
🌠 Starring: James Barrington, Cuba Gooding Jr., Kevin Sorbo
📅 Nationwide Release Date: 8/2/2024
The Firing Squad Movie Poster Coming to Theaters August 2024

The Details

Inspired by the true story of three Christians who face execution by firing squad in a third world country. Their courage and faith in the days leading up to the execution inspire the entire prison camp and results in a stunning conclusion.

You’ll find a Star-Studded cast, some of who you recognize, as well as some new faces that you’ll want to keep an eye out in upcoming endeavors! You’ll definitely recognize Kevin Sorbo (Pastor Lynbrook) from God’s Not Dead (2014), Let There Be Light (2017)& Cuba Gooding, Jr. (Samuel Wilson) And you might recognize Tupua Ainu’u (Captain Tanu)- he was a familiar face to me! Now, James Barrington (Peter Lone) and Madeline Anderson (Miriam Rosenbaum), I think you’ll definitely want to keep an eye on. We’ll be seeing lots more from them! I certainly enjoyed their performances, as well as those of several of the other smaller parts in the film.

Miriam Rosenbaum on Movie Poster for the Firing Squad 2024
One to watch, Miriam Rosenbaum plays Madeline Anderson in the Firing Squad.

With tremendous support from major Christian organizations and influencers such as Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), Calvary Chapel, Pastor Greg Laurie, NACC, and many more, The Firing Squad will be released in 2,500 theaters nationwide.

Remember the film ‘The Passion of the Christ‘ (2004? The same marketing team behind that powerhouse of film ‘Son of God‘ (2014), and ‘Sound of Freedom‘ (2023) is promoting this film.

Parent’s Guide to the Firing Squad

The Firing Squad is rated PG-13, which means you’ll want to understand the topic of the film before viewing it with you children under the age of 13. While the film doesn’t glorify drug running as many films do, there are flashback scenes showing drug trades, alcohol use and suggesting very lavish lifestyles. There is no drug use shown in the film. You also won’t find sex scenes or suggestion of such. There is only the mention of the main character’s girlfriend wanting to having a baby with him, and in that exchange it comes across as bringing their relationship to the next level. Even these scenes, however suggest regret and that the characters are reconsidering the choices they have made.

There is some violence in the prison between guards and prisoners portraying conflicts and frustrations there.

The Film’s title, Firing Squad, tells what it’s about and what you will see. Even the scenes of the firing squads, while powerful, are not overly graphic, and in my opinion, are appropriate for younger audiences. Do consider your family and what you know they can and cannot handle and you feel is best for them. Please let me know in the comments if you’d like more information on this to make a decision for your family.

My Review of the Firing Squad

I have very eclectic taste in films, and I’ll watch just about anything besides some of the more modern horror films…those I don’t love! Because of that, I was absolutely THRILLED to be offered the opportunity to review this film. Whether it’s an action film, a comedy, a rom-com, a drama. I even love the classics dating back to mid-century favorites.

The Firing Squad opens with a few flashbacks some narration from Peter Lone (James Barrington), who is eventually arrested and sent to an Indonesian Prison. Throughout the film, we see people come and go from his life as he struggles with his choices, with his past and the certainty of his fate. This being a Christian film, I think it goes without saying that Lone is going to struggle with his faith, as are those around him. Lone’s narration throughout the film enhanced the story line, bringing to life thoughts and perspectives that could not have otherwise been portrayed realistically in the scenes.

Most of the film took place in the prison, mostly outside. The setting, in my opinion, was a little too ‘clean’ making it feel too ‘staged’. Of course, I’ve never been to an international prison 😬, so you know…no comparison to make? Just, overall there was that feeling of cleanliness and everything was a little too nice and easy…and the way visiting missionaries seemed to have free roam seemed not realistic. This, for me, was a little distracting. I’m THAT person, though, that find the strangest flaws in shows and movies like a curtain that was changed out in last weeks episode, suddenly has been changed back again. So, there’s that. The setting may mean nothing to you, and, overall, it doesn’t detract from the storyline.

Cuba Gooding, Jr.

The characters in the film are wonderful but are not always well developed, but I simply don’t think there’s time…in some cases, we understand who they are and what their roles are because they tell us…for example, Captain Tanu (Tupua Ainu’u) announced to Lone that he would be the one arresting him and that he would also be the warden at the prison. Again, there are some some great actors in this film, and I am looking forward to seeing them in more films! It’s important to remember that character development is likely not top priority…but, as I mentioned above, I’d love to see this story told in a bigger series or perhaps in a book. Maybe it is?


Peter Lone, the Firing Squad (James Barrington)

It’s so hard to share with you my thoughts on this film without giving you spoilers. I don’t want to ruin it for you! As I mentioned above, I LOVE movies…my family laughs at me because it’s really hard to find a movie that I can’t ‘figure out’ the ending to. I can always figure out the story or the ending about 15-30 minutes into the movie. Of course, we all can guess that someone in this film is going to accept Christ. But HOW that happens…and the events surrounding it, before and after it. The ripples. The parallels to the gospel; the lives impacted for eternity. I wasn’t prepared for the parallels.

You’ll see at the end of the film just how powerful the message of redemption is and how healing the love of Christ is to broken lives.

This is more than just a movie; it’s a powerful story of resilience and faith that has already garnered significant support from various influential Christian organizations and media outlets. Keep an eye out for updates and free screening opportunities, and get ready to experience a story that will move and inspire you.

Make sure to share this exciting movie with your friends and family!

Who Should See This Film?

In this world we live in, most of have been impacted by drugs or alcohol in some way. And if you haven’t, you know someone who has. For me, personally, I need more than one hand. The impact is far too real. Those are stories for another day and time. Our family has a former pastor (from a former home) that is very involved in a prison ministry. So, this story hit a soft spot in my heart. Will it hit one for you or someone you care about?

Take yourself, take a friend, take a group! Share it with your church leaders or invite your bible study group. One thing we do too little of? Taking initiative. Go ahead and share it and say, “Hey, let’s go see this! Are you available on Saturday?” Or plan the group outing. As I mentioned, at the end of the film, you’ll understand just how powerful the story is. Spread the seeds. Spread the message of redemption and the love of Christ.

This is my first movie review…I hope you enjoyed, and I’d love your feedback! Also, after you see the film, come back and tell me about it!

*I had the opportunity to preview The Firing Squad due to a partnership with FrontGate Media. All opinions provided in this movie review are my own.

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