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Review and Giveaway for Jennie Bishop's the Princess and the Frog

Discover The Princess & the Kiss: God’s Precious Gift | Win a Free Copy

Not many books stand the test of time…and yet, The Princess and the Kiss has done just that! Jennie Bishop initially penned this book in response to her daughter coming home from kindergarten and telling her that all of friends had boyfriends. Though our world looks very different now than it did 25 years ago, this beautiful book and its story of purity has held up to the test of time in with its 25th anniversary release. Let’s take a look at this release and how you can win a copy for your library and save 30% on your purchase…

About the Author

Jennie Bishop is a missionary in Nicaragua, serving in a small church and still enjoys writing stories. Coming from a small town in Ohio, she was encouraged to write throughout her school career. She eventually found herself working at small Christian publishing house, and from there was given the opportunity write and edit by Warner Publishing. You can read more about Jennie and her books HERE.


The Princess and the Kiss by Jennie Bishop 25th Anniversary edition

‘Here’s The enchanting story of The Princess & the Kiss begins when a loving king and queen present their newborn daughter with a gift from God—her first kiss—to keep or give away. As the young girl grows to maturity, she wisely waits for a man who is worthy of her precious gift. Looking past suitors who would try to dazzle her with riches or clever feats with little substance, she looks for the depth of a man’s heart. Where is her prince and how will she ever find him? The surprising answer in this marvelous parable will touch the heart of parent and child alike.’

The fun parts:

The book’s art is absolutely stunning! When I first saw it, I thought wow! What a lovely throwback and the kids are going to love this! Then, I realized it was 25th anniversary edition! HA! Well, that’s all been updated just enough, and the colors are vibrant and beautiful. There is so much to look at!

The characters that pass through are great, and fit the story perfectly: leaving room for laughs (the suitors – oh my what a parade!), tender moments, and conversations…whichever combination of the three suits the day. You’ll be reading this lovely book more than once!

woman's head peaking out from behind the princess and the kiss by Jennie Bishop

Is it relevant?

Oh, my yes. I admit…I was hesitant to even attempt to review this book…hesitant if I would even read to my daughter (she’s past the age of this book’s intended audience, but…still). And, honestly, I had to sit on it a minute. It almost felt too simplistic…and the topics too big at the same time…but isn’t that where we go wrong?

Then I remembered something my father has often said: “Kids are people too, they’re just in a smaller package.’ I’m not sure I’m quoting him just right…but you get the gist of what he’s saying. I’ve held that idea to heart throughout all of my parenting. They here, see, feel, soak in, and understand so much more than we realize. Try to remember when you were you young – all the things. So many things. Now, we do have to remember basic developmental stages and how to deep to go with this topic with our children based on their own understanding development…I won’t go that deep today…don’t worry.

The point is…this is not a topic to be ignored. It’s not so much that you need to have an hour long conversation with your daughter (or son, for that matter) after reading this book…the point is, STARTING the conversation and teaching your child that they are treasured and precious; they are valued. They should know that their physical affections are also to be treasured and not be given away on a whim or because the world teaches us that this is ‘normal’ or ok. And we must, also, remember to throw in some grace there as well.

It’s not a stand alone.

The Princess and the Kiss is not a stand alone book. It’s not a book you want to just hand to your child and walk away from, or read and be done. You’ll want to talk about the characters (some of them are quite amusing!!) and the precious gift of the Kiss and what that means in the story v. what it means in life. Now, again, you don’t have to do this all at once.

I think you’ll find this book a great way to spend treasured and unpressured time with the precious young lady or ladies in your life and make tough topics just come easy and naturally, which will be such a blessing as they grow into their preteen and teen years. You certainly won’t regret starting these conversations at a young age, I can assure of that.

Is it just another sappy Princess story?

Well…it’s a princess story…so…yes and no…it’s just not that simple. There’s a much better and more important lesson there. I don’t want to spoil it too much…so you’ll have to find out for yourself!

Want to win a free copy of the Princess and the Kiss?

Thanks so much for reading! Click the link below to dig a little deeper into this beautiful book and get your copy! This month, you can use the code KISS30SAVE to get 30% off your purchase.

I received a free copy of The Princess and the Kiss in return for my unbiased review. Purchase and giveaway links were provided and are not affiliate links, with the exception of the Amazon Links to additional books by Jennie Bishop at the end of the post. I am an amazon affiliate and do earn from that link only on this post.

More books by Jennie Bishop include the The Squire & the Scroll, The Garden Wall, The Princess & the Kiss (2004 Paperback), The Squire & The Scroll (Paperback), Crayon Kingdom, the Three Gifts of Christmas, The Princess and the Kiss: A Story Coloring Book of God’s Gift of Purity, Jesus must really be special, and a spanish version of the the book reviewed here, La Princesa y el Beso-The Princess and the Kiss (Spanish Edition). I have linked them all here for you on Amazon:

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