The Messy Bun Mafia

Hair. Coffee. Moments.

Will you laugh? Will you do it anyway? Faith Like Abraham.

Abraham did. The very same day that God changed his name from Abram, and that of his wife from Sarai to Sarah…

He laughed. He fell on his face and laughed at what God told him. He laughed…

I can’t even imagine…maybe look at that from the perspective that he had an actual relationship with God…otherwise, could you actually LAUGH at something God promised you? I think, if we are honest, we probably all have.

The question I want you to really ask yourself is this:

Will you do it anyway?

Will you do that thing that God is telling you to do, despite how absurd it may sound?

God told Abraham that Sarah, at age 99, would bear him a son…from reading Genesis, Ch. 17, I’m not so sure Abraham was convinced it would actually happen.

And yet…on THAT VERY DAY (v 23, 26), Abraham gathered up his son, Ishmael, and all of the males of his household and did what God commanded. THAT VERY DAY.

How is our faith looking today? Food for thought.

**Edit! And then my sweet friend posted this photo on her IG today:

Click photo to go to the original post on IG…isn’t it sweet your friends are hearing the same whispers?
Encourage each other, sisters!

Just a short random thought today…may it bless and it encourage you.

Much Love,

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