Can You Take Your Job Home For Good?

Have you ever wondered if you can actually do your job from home, like, permanently? Many of us have learned in the last year that it is actually possible. And can save us a great deal of time and money! Last week, we touched on some ideas for pitching taking your job home and workingContinue reading “Can You Take Your Job Home For Good?”

What’s to Love About Working From Home?

If we have learned anything in the past year, it is that nothing is guaranteed – our jobs, going to school, having the freedom to visit our friends and travel without restriction… This article is more about my personal experience, my realities, my past insights, my goals, hopes, and possibilities for my future. Next week,Continue reading “What’s to Love About Working From Home?”

How To Make Your Own Mardi Gras Mask

These DIY templates and tutorials could be used for Mardi Gras, a Masquerade Ball, halloween, or any other occassion you might need a decorated mask for – even for a quick super hero mask for your little heros!

Are you asking the right questions?

Sometimes we just have to sit down and be still for a minute in order to figure out what it is we are supposed to do today. I thought I was going allow myself to skip the #MondayMotivation post today, in order to get caught up on a few things and get ahead on theContinue reading “Are you asking the right questions?”

Why you should do your laundry

Laundry is one of my LEAST favorite chores. Not that I really have a favorite, I’m not really the best housekeeper that ever lived…so, here’s a little motiviation for all of us to get the laundry caught up… Clean sheets and your favorite PJs fresh from the dryer? Yes, please. That’s all I’ve got forContinue reading “Why you should do your laundry”

Own Your Monday.

Monday can be great, or it can be a train wreck. We have some, but not total, control over our daily outcomes. Let’s look at some ways to bend things in our favor. I’m what had been dubbed a WAHM (Work at Home Mom). This acronym came along many years ago, when forums were popularContinue reading “Own Your Monday.”

I have questions. Does that mean I’m motivated?

It’s really hard to peel myself off the couch with all of these sweet cuddles. I spent the better part of the weekend on the couch, trying to either survive or not further exacerbate a rib out of place. It’s an unfortunate thing, and something that happens occasionally, especially if I don’t maintain chiropractic visits.Continue reading “I have questions. Does that mean I’m motivated?”

The World Around You Does Not Define You. Find the Good.

I don’t make it a habit to open up the news first thing in the morning, but these are, for lack of a less overused word, ‘unprecedented times.’ We’re are looking dead in the face of what could have been predicted, and prevented, for our nation. One of the main topics of conversation in theContinue reading “The World Around You Does Not Define You. Find the Good.”

Wolf Quotes for the Women, the Leaders of the Pack

Such a a powerful animal, inside and out. One thing we can all agree on is that the wolf commands our respect. A strong and powerful predator, the wolf teaches us about inner strength, discipline, protection, and loyalty. While observing these traits, we can also apprecitate the wolf’s tender, loyal, and playful side. We recentlyContinue reading “Wolf Quotes for the Women, the Leaders of the Pack”