How to Make Space Buns

Happy Wear it Wednesday! Below, you will find different ways to wear Space Buns. I have also included an option for what are apparently called ‘CYBER BUNS!” Space ones are one of my FAVORITE styles to wear, and I just want to say that YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD FOR SPACE BUNS! They are soContinue reading “How to Make Space Buns”

Summer Braids, with a twist…

You know what’s more fun that fireworks? Connecting with people you’ve never met on multiple platforms. I don’t know why – I just think it’s so neat! Makes us a little more human and real, don’t you think? That was completely random and unrelated to anything at all. Just on my mind today. I thoughtContinue reading “Summer Braids, with a twist…”

Messy Buns are really easy…

I get lots of jokes about my usernames across social media…the funny thing is, I didn’t really know that there was a particular way to create a perfect ‘messy bun’. I thought the whole point was that you didn’t actually try…oh, boy was I wrong! And oh, boy…did I have to learn quick…