Do What Makes You Oh-So Happy?

I recently gave my daughter an art project, which she hasn’t quite finished yet…but I’m hoping she will before this is ready to post. (UPDATE! SHE DID!!!) I was gifted a sign recently that reads, ‘Do what makes you oh so happy.’ Her project is cross out the word ‘you’ and write GOD in its place. I could do this myself, but she loves to paint…so it’s her project. I also wanted her to physically feel those words.

In the Parable of the Wedding Feast (Luke 14:7-11), we see that side of human nature that is often arrogant and insecure. We are reminded that there is always someone more important than ourselves, and that we should always consider the simple honor of invitation. For when we consider ourselves too important, we will surely be humbled and put in our place.

My daughter LOVES painting – so I asked her to fix this sign for me…she immediately understood why – and this made me oh-so happy!

It’s so easy to grasp on to the inspirational quotes and constant bombardment of messages to put ourselves first, to do what makes us happy…to follow our hearts, be true to ourselves…it’s everywhere. I challenge to open social media and see how long it takes you to find a message like that, or one similar. Often, it’s a message that if you buy this…or participate in that…you will be happy.

As Christians, we must challenge this message. I don’t mean that we need to start social media warfare…there’s no need to tear down someone else’s post or belief system…this is never productive, and will never change someone’s mind about what they believe. But we can challenge it within ourselves.

I love the message of ‘I am second:’ it is a simple phrase, and yet an urgent reminder that we are not top…we are not on the throne of our lives, nor were we ever meant to be. God is there, and always will be. When we try to be ‘first,’ we find that we fail…or constantly strive for more…for better…for greater influence, power, or authority.

Dear brothers and sisters, I want to reflect on the promise that if we simply love the Lord our God with all of our hearts, minds, and souls, he will fulfill our every need. We will be blessed beyond measure. Beyond the treasures of this earth. We have been reminded over the last year of how little value those treasure often hold as they sit unused, or are simply taken away from us.

Our goals change, as they become His.

Our needs change, as they begin to suit a Holy purpose.

Our desires change, as they lead to more spirit lead and spirit filling wants.

Our lives become simpler, as we are chasing after one purpose – the purpose of Christ.

Yes, love, you can still enjoy the many beautiful things this world has to offer. Yes, you can still participate in all of the activities that bring you joy…the difference is, you will see them in a new light. Your anxiety will decrease, you joy will increase. Things that mattered will fade from your mind and you will focus on the things that must be done and the tasks that God sets before you.

Yes, it’s a lovely thing to bring joy to those you love through gifts, or affection, or simple attention…never discount the value of letting someone know you care about them. Never discount the value of a simple gift or act of kindness toward a stranger. While you do these things, pray over your gifts that they may bring Joy and let the recipient know that they come from a place of love and joy that they, too, can experience if they do not already.

He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he. Proverbs 16:20

In conclusion, go to the wedding. Enjoy yourself. Celebrate the union. But be sure to count it a blessing to attend, and sit in the lowest place. In that way, you are honoring the happy couple, their family, honored guests, yourself, and your Lord. If you do what makes God oh, so happy – your happiness with follow in ways you never anticipated.

May His blessings ever shine on you!

Published by Cindi M

Ponytail Maker. Praying Mama. Proud Wife. Peach Getter.

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