Love Yourself the Way You Love Others.

You ever sit down to REALLY get caught up on your personal Bible Study, thinking you’ll get through LOTS and LOTS of scripture…and God just say, “Nope…I just need you to see this today.”? It’s really not something I needed to hear, but a confirmation that maybe I’m doing a few things right. Does thatContinue reading “Love Yourself the Way You Love Others.”

Rust on the Moon? Science meets Scripture.

Knowing we what we know of God, of science, of humanity…can it not be that all of this ‘sciency stuff’ can only be explained as a part of the master plan of the Creator of the Universe?

The Saddest Verse. The Brightest Hope.

6 And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.  Genesis 6:6 This verse breaks my heart…that God would look down on his creation and be grieved. It’s one of those verses that we don’t really dwell on…because who wants to dwell on THAT? What I wonder, is He sorryContinue reading “The Saddest Verse. The Brightest Hope.”

Self Care, They said. It’s So Easy, they said.

Maybe not quite what you think it does, and usually something different for everyone. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Will you join me over the next few days in discussing this topic? There’s so much to dig out under the surface!

Reblog: Interviewed on Instagram about Chronic Illness

Matt blogs about his faith in Jesus and serving others on his bog, Jesusluvsall. I hope that you follow along his journey, as I have found him to be nothing but encouraging, uplifting, and inspirational. I found a connection with Matt because we both battle chronic pain, and share that we find comfort and strengthContinue reading “Reblog: Interviewed on Instagram about Chronic Illness”

Is Your Reputation Rubbish? Let’s Remedy That.

How’s your rep? Feelin’ like it’s unsalvageable? Not worth fighting for? Useless? Waste of time? Irrelevant? Not worth bothering? Who cares? Let me tell you something, friend…it is worth fighting for, and so are you.

Will you laugh? Will you do it anyway? Faith Like Abraham.

Laugh all you want…but are you going to listen that not so small voice?

Confessions of a curly girl…

Some days, I don’t want to deal with the process. The washing upside down. The perfect product application. The drying time (for me, without using the diffuser, that is HOURS). Sometimes you just want to stand in the shower and let the water run. And just stay there. So that’s what I did today. AndContinue reading “Confessions of a curly girl…”

Bible grammar…

It’s an interesting thing isn’t it? Someone reads it one way…you understand it that way. Someone reads it another way, you understand it that way… Pro tip: (not that I’m a pro 😂) read it yourself. Read the grammar. The punctuation. The context. What changes? The verse that sparked this random thought: But if GodContinue reading “Bible grammar…”