Have you done your self-exam this month?

Well them. Let’s get to it. We’re going to go over how to do a breast self-exam and I’m going to give you several resources that I found to be helpful and user friendly. There are, of course, many others. If you have a favorite, please share that in the comments! I have this greatContinue reading “Have you done your self-exam this month?”

Your friend has Cancer. Now what?

October is the month we all wear pink and raise awareness for breast cancer. Breast Cancer is an especially difficult ordeal for women because it can affect so many aspects of our lives, and the scars…physical and mental, are often permanent. But it’s not always us that goes through it…sometimes it’s our friend, or family member or spouse. The worst thing we can do is to pretend it’s not happening and go on with life as usual.

Three Days.

It will be here in three days, y’all. Keep an eye out, I’ll be sharing more details in days to come! I will actually be able to order for you on Tuesday, but on Wednesday, you can snag it. On Tuesday, I will also be ordering Exclusives! This is a great time to shop andContinue reading “Three Days.”

Self Care, They said. It’s So Easy, they said.

Maybe not quite what you think it does, and usually something different for everyone. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Will you join me over the next few days in discussing this topic? There’s so much to dig out under the surface!

The Have Hope Challenge – will you join us?

I am BEYOND ecstatic about what’s coming in October. First, please watch the video below with a bit of an overview from our dear friend, John Dorsey: Second, I want to hear YOUR story! On Thursday, Oct 1 I’ll be launching the Messy Bun Mafia’s Have Hope Event on Facebook (don’t worry! If you don’tContinue reading “The Have Hope Challenge – will you join us?”