No Gear Left Behind

You know what I’m talking about.  It’s time to go – 15 minutes ago…but you forgot <insert critical item> and <insert long day survival item> and probably something else…

So how do you get it done?

You can make a list on paper. But then you have to keep up with it.

You can make a list on your phone. But then you have to dig your phone out of your bag or your car or wherever you stashed it so you don’t forget it…(note to self – add phone to list!)

Here’s how we roll…

We have a big cabinet out on the carport…with a big shiny door.  We have dry erase markers. The carport is our first and last place to stand and stare and try to remember what we forgot…

So, I put a list on the cabinet.  He can check it, I can check it, we can stand and check it together…and then stand & stare aimlessly and try to remember what we forgot to put on the list…


It’s not fancy, but it gets the job done.  What gets you out the door on time?

Published by Cindi M

Ponytail Maker. Praying Mama. Proud Wife. Peach Getter.

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