How to Choose Minimalist Hair Accessories

How is that even a thing?

Confession. I have A LOT of hair accessories…why? Because I LOVE THEM, and I actually wear them…they have their own drawer in my dresser…

Do I need as many as I have? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Despite my slightly overboard collection, I’m going to show you today how you can get rid of the hair ties that you find EVERYWHERE, the scrunchies (unless you love them…then you can keep those, AND the plastic claw clips that as bad as legos to step on…

You may NEVER have to think about buying hair accessories again when I get through with you.

You probably want to ask: ‘But isn’t that contradictory to what you do? Don’t you sell hair accessories? Don’t you WANT me to buy more?’

Well, duh…but what I DO NOT want is for you to have an over abundance of items in your home that you do not use. If you’ve been following this blog recently, you’ve seen a handful of posts about THE GREAT PURGE going on at our house this year; with that journey to declutter and simplify our lives, I’ve been learning about minimalism. I don’t think I will ever be a true minimalist, but I can DEFINITLEY get on board with the concept, and focus on, let’s call it, SIMPLIFIED living. Stick around and follow us for #WearItWednesday to get great tips and tricks to getting the best use out of those accessories you do choose!

I’ve learned so much from minimalist YouTube channels and blogs…but no one ever talks about hair accessories…there are conversations about not buying too many hair products – too many different stylers or cleansers or conditioners – you know, use what you have or give it away before you get something else…but what about all of those pony tail holders and claw clips that we buy and break and stretch out? What if I told you that you really could invest in just a few quality pieces and be done with it? Like, if not forever at least for a very long time?

Below, you’ll find the accessories I would recommend that would allow to TOSS OUT all of your other hair accessories. 1-5 items, depending on your hair and style preferences, will replace everything you keep buying. Here’s a link to a collection of items for you to choose from:

Bobby Pins for Simple Minimalist Style.

You’d really be surprised at how much you can with a Bobby Pin! You have to get good ones, though, if you wan them to last are really hold your hair in place. Use a bobby pin as a barrette, to hold a bun, a twist, even a braid or pony tail (Yes, You really can do that!) Our Classic Super Hold Bobby Pins come in 4 colors and in sets of 8. If you’d like a little more pop, go for the set of 4 Lux Bobby Pins.

If you follow me on Instagram or TikTok, you probably know that I recently cut my hair…that means bobby pins are now my bestie…here are some ways that wear them with my new bob cut:

Choose an everyday style, and a special occasion style. Or, wait until a special occasion arrives and find something just right. You can also add ribbon or other embellishments to your Classic Bobbies in lieu of buying something new.

If you like having something for special occasions, just search a key word at, like ‘pearl’, and find an option that suits most special occasions for your style. Another option is to simply add ribbon or other embellishments to your Classic Bobbies.

Large Upins for Simple Minimalist Style.

The Swerve Upin was my first, and still is, my favorite, Lilla Rose Hair Accessory. It CONTINUES to amaze me with it’s versatility and holding power. And now we have it available in two different sizes! If you don’t know how to use a Upin, here’s a how to video:

Small, simple Upins for Simple Minimalist Style. Much like the Classic Bobby, the Lux Upins are are hair wardrobe staple for medium to long lengths. I keep two of these in my car just in case! Once you get the hang of them, two will hold a bun of any size…you can add more if you’d like.

The FLEXI FLIP, not the Flexi Clip for Simple Minimalist Style – I’ll let Laura tell you able it. I have a small and medium. Since I cut my hair, I’ll likely only be using the small for a while. The versatility of this product is incredible! IF you prefer something simpler, read on below – we’ve got you covered!

Beads not your thing?

Sports, outdoors, water, chasing children, grandchildren, fur babies, patients, employees, bosses, or whatever it is you do that makes YOU beautifully and wonderfully you, the Flexi Sport can handle it. Check it out! How many pony tail holders did you buy this year? What if I told you that you won’t need them any more? I can even get my little bob cut to stay in a pony tail without slipping out! I’m NOT KIDDING!!!

Right now, we have 6 colors to choose from – get it here:

Watch the playlist to learn more!


Hair sticks are also a fun way to toss your hair up! I had one YouTube follower actually call them fancy pencils! And, with most of our hairs sticks priced at $8, it’s a fun place to start.

Too much? Please let me know if it’s a little overwhelming. What is your hair like? What’s your go to style? What’s your budget? I’ll see if I can suggest a couple of items to start with.

Thanks for visiting! I’d love your thoughts on how you manage your hair with your minimalist lifestyle!

Published by Cindi M

Ponytail Maker. Praying Mama. Proud Wife. Peach Getter.

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