How Tuesday Tackled Me.

tuesday tackled me

Every realize how whiney you sound? I recorded this video in the car late this afternoon – and as I edited I realized it sound like, ‘oh, poor me;’ ‘first world problems alert!‘ As you watch, keep in mind it was created more for people that actually know me – so they know the backstory (what the past month/week/day of my life has looked like, all the yucky ins and outs of my health and energy levels, what I try to accomplish…what happens when I try to do too much, etc). Have you ever seen a toddler crash after spending the day at the water park?

What most people think of as normal life, or things we just have to push through…they create THAT kind of crash in people with chronic pain or illnesses. Unfortunately, a nap can’t fix it. It can take anywhere from a few hours to several days to recover…we usually know when we’ve pushed to far…we try to plan for busy days and plans that might over tire us…

But, sometimes things just happen. Sometimes, those things are in our control, sometimes they are not…I chose TACKLE for my word this year in an effort to get some of the physical and spiritual world around me UNDER CONTROL and MORE MANAGEABLE – MORE DOABLE, MORE LIVABLE! I am beyond fed up with feeling like I’m chasing my tail all the time…the constant circle of barely getting things accomplished for the day, having a decent day or two (still barely getting things done), and crashing…only to find myself behind again…

At this point in time, we’re in DEEP DIVE – and that means my entire family is involved, whether they chose to be or not…the good news for me is that they are being very helpful and supportive…and they are beginning to see the perks.

We are purging, we are decluttering, we are planning, we are working together to SMOOTH OUT our physical environment so that we can focus on the mental and physical.


The video I planned for today did not happen…for a few reasons, some out of my control, some that I could have avoided…let’s discuss in the video…

If you can relate, and are feeling like you spend most of your life in a tailspin, be sure to connect and join us on this journey!

You can simply subscribe to emails, below, or visit my about page and connect on social media.

If you’d like to join our Pantry Organization Party on Facebook, I’d love to have you. (If I don’t know you personally, please comment on this post so that I may ‘vet’ you to join the group in order to protect Cheryl, other group members, and myself.) My amazing friend Cheryl was gracious enough to come over and help me think through the process, repurpose storage things I already had on hand, see where I could save money, and still make my beautiful kitchen as functional and organized as it was designed to be. The small changes we have made already have absolutely been GAME CHANGING. Cheryl has YEARS of experience in this, and has talked me through so much!

The Great Purge Continues!

Keep up to date with THIS PAGE, where I do try to keep current progress updated for those you who are actually fascinated by all of this purging and minimizing business!

Come back on #TackleTuesday next week for a tour of our progress and pantry plans!

Published by Cindi M

Ponytail Maker. Praying Mama. Proud Wife. Peach Getter.

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