ONE MINUTE REFRESH: How to Get Your Curly Head out the Door

One of the biggest struggles with wavy and curly hair is that if you’re truly just too busy or worn out to deal with it, you can look a hot mess trying to get out the door. Hats and scarves are amazing, and our besties…but maybe you have at least one minute to do aContinue reading “ONE MINUTE REFRESH: How to Get Your Curly Head out the Door”

And it’s a go! You’re going to FLIP OUT!

Have you ever had your hair styled one way and then wanted or needed to change it throughout the day? Hot and need to pull it all up?Headed out and want a different look? You are going to FLIP over our brand new #FlexiFlip! Fast! Fashionable! Fun! 1/2 up to full twist?Just #flipit French twistContinue reading “And it’s a go! You’re going to FLIP OUT!”