What Can We Learn From an Unnamed Woman of Faith?

Found this in my drafts from April 2020… Before the Tornado hit Tennessee and city officials asked us to stay home to allow for clean up, etc. Before actual Quarantine. Before ‘Safer at Home.’ These are the notes I had in the draft to remind me of what I planned to discuss: Luke 8 40-54Continue reading “What Can We Learn From an Unnamed Woman of Faith?”

What If They Didn’t Actually Do It??

Luke Chapter 1 introduces us to the reason for this account being written, and what it is about from a the perspective of Luke, a physician and eye witness to Christ’s ministry. This chapter carries us on a rapid journey beginning with Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth, and ending with the childhood of the man sent to us by the Almighty to prepare a way for Christ and his ministry.

Oh, we are so dumb.

Ok…this entire post may come across as completely inappropriate…it might be better if you know me, and where my brain takes me, and if you were familiar with my pastor. But, here it is anyway…take it or leave it! I have a weird sense of humor. Sorry. It’s just true. Here’s the sermon from whichContinue reading “Oh, we are so dumb.”

‘Not knowing what he said…”

Have you ever spoken before you should have, or before you gathered and learned all the facts? I think we have all been there. Peter certainly had a habit of that. Slowly working my way through the book of Luke in my scripture journal, Luke 9:28-35 is what I read and wrote today. I reallyContinue reading “‘Not knowing what he said…””