Invite Him Fully in…

Happy Friday! Today, I want to share with you Vanessa’s post from earlier this month. It is SUCH a powerful prayer, and a message I desperately needed to be reminded of this month. It was so timely, and I hope that it will be the same for you. Head on over and give it aContinue reading “Invite Him Fully in…”

What is a Curl Cast? {VIDEO}

A curl cast keeps the moisture you worked so hard to get into your hair locked in and will give you bounce and definition throughout the day, and beyond.

Let What’s Bugging You Motivate You

Quite often, there are things in life that irritate us. But not enough to do anything to change them- we just like to fuss and complain – but that doesn’t really change anything does it? And it’s quite likely that we’re just bugging the people around us with our grumbling. Now there’s an infestation. Let’s do soemthing about it insead.

Can You Refuse Based on Religious Exemption?

Absolutely you can play the religion card. But you need to make darn sure you mean it and aren’t just trying to make a point. If you’re trying to make a social or political statement, do that. Make THAT stand. That’s an entirely different topic that, frankly, I’m not even going to touch. If you REALLY don’t want the vaccine for religious reasons, make sure you mean it… Let’s talk about WHY you need to mean it: personally, legally, and morally.

How to Choose Minimalist Hair Accessories

Long lasting accessories so you can stop buying rubber bands and free your hair from damage. Let your hair join your journey to a minimal lifestyle!

Stop Pulling Your Hair Out.

Game on, Pony tail, Game. On. If you know me, and trust me, go ahead and get it now at LROSE.BIZ/CINDIMOORE – THE SPORT FLEXI – I would recommend the 3 pack – you will thank me later! WATCH ALL FOUR VIDEOS BELOW: (don’t worry, they’re short and super fun, especially the compilation one!)