Connect with the others. You can do it.

Surviving the 2020-2021 School Year, Part 5

I know. Your tired. You don’t have time to socialize. You have to much to do. Your brain hurts. And if you have to have ONE MORE CONVERSATION about Covid-19, homeschooling, virtual schooling, hybrid learning, and, my stars...don’t even MENTION face masks, right?

I know.

Listen to me, Mama (Or Dad, or Grams, or Pops, or whatever that sweet soul might call you…): YOU NEED EACH OTHER.

If your only interactions are work, your kids, and the seemingly endless barrage of emails and notifications from the school, you will lose your mind. I want to thrive, not just survive, this year.

Find a way to connect. Call a friend. Send an encouraging text to another parent. Heck, call your mom. Have coffee. Yes, you can still do that…just do it within whatever boundaries are appropriate for your family and where you live. Join a parent group chat specific to your child’s school or grade level. If there isn’t one, create one. Past the initial set up, and modeling of what you want the group to look like (pro tip: establish rules, some type of way to vet members, what will and will not be discussed/shared/etc, and model those thing to group members.), these groups generally don’t need much day to day management. They will be smaller in number the more specific you get, and you will be so blessed and amazed by how supportive every one is when someone is struggling or has a question. AND at the laughs that will be shared…these laughs will keep you sane! You will just feel less alone…you will know that you are not doing this alone. Because, really, darlin…you are not alone.

Make sure those connections are healthy. Avoid, redirect, cut short any conversations that turn sour. Larger groups/chats can get a little unpleasant…these groups are helpful for wider sharing for topics that apply to a larger audience, such as an entire district…I love those groups, and the admins work very hard to keep to the peace and manage those groups. Those, however, I generally visit when I’m looking for a specific piece of information, or I may just randomly check in from time to time. Notifications are turned off for those groups.

The smaller, more intimate groups? I love those. These are people that you are more likely to know personally, even if just in passing. I’m not generally a very ‘social’ person, but I love people. And love seeing people that are somehow in contact with my children and their schools. It just brings a sense of togetherness and community. The first week of school, I realized how much I missed just saying ‘Hello,’ to many of those people – even if just in passing. Find them, or create them. You won’t be sorry. And your presence will bless others.

We all get frustrated from time to time…if you need to yell, scream, vent…know where to do that…find a personal friend or relative that can listen without holding a grudge, or judging your situation, schools, or those in charge. Remember to be respectful and don’t share anything in a pubic, or semi-public, forum that you wouldn’t want your child or their teachers to read or hear. Even in ‘private’ groups, that group will have people that you don’t know, and some people just really love to snap screenshots.

On that same note, be careful not to share personal information about any child on any forum unless it’s YOUR child (I’d even be careful about that). Also, be aware of school or classroom specific links that you may share that could give an outsider access to your school or any children – such as online class meetings, etc….

We were made to commune with one another, and thrive in that fellowship. I pray that each and every one of you has a wonderful school year, whatever the circumstances may be.

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Galations 6:2
I have some more thoughts on this school year, and hope to add more posts to this series soon. I’d love to hear your thoughts and what’s working for you, your schools, classrooms, children, etc.

Much Love, and many blessings!

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Published by Cindi M

Ponytail Maker. Praying Mama. Proud Wife. Peach Getter.

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