We got tackled this weekend…now it’s time to tackle summer…

It’s been a really strange start to summer…but we’re loving it…

With the pleasant surprise of school letting out a week early, and my husband off work for the week, we enjoyed a very extended holiday weekend. We had the absolute HONOR of hosting our friend’s dog (well, her son’s dog) while she and the rest of the family visited her son in Texas, where he is stationed. I can think of no better way to spend Memorial Day, honoring those we’ve lost, than caring for his beautiful furry friend. Check out the video below to see how much fun Skye and our dogs had this weekend. Can you guess which one is the guest?

We have no plans for the summer…other than to just take each day as it comes…maybe that’s not much of a plan…but we’re going to roll with.

It’s been a very challenging school year…we’re all a little burnt out on, well, basically everything. We’re looking forward to Nashville Shores, Vacation Bible School, and few days of summer camp. Did I mention my husband is going? WITH my daughter? This leaves me alone with dogs and a teenager that will likely find better things to do with his time than hang out with me🤣. Think I can sneak in a date with him while everyone is away?

What’s your favorite thing to do with your teen?

Let me know in the comments! I need some creative ideas!!

As for the blog this summer, I plan to keep it rolling – but may miss many days, and may have some short posts. I have several ‘in progress’ drafts that I also hope to finish up. I am looking forward to spending more time reading YOUR blog than writing mine this summer. So, drop a comment for me so I’ll be sure to add yours to my reading list.

Whether your plans include the beach, summer parties, bike rides, visiting family, less work, or more work…we’ve got you covered with new summer styles, LIVE NOW:

(If something you have your eye on is out of stock, please reach out! I may be able to find it for you!)

Published by Cindi M

Ponytail Maker. Praying Mama. Proud Wife. Peach Getter.

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