Clarifying Your Curls – How To & What to Use

Dear Santa, Please bring coal. Love, Me.
A dear friend asked me to share some hair care strategies in her Facebook Group this month (you’re welcome to join us!). That forced me into teacher mode, and, in turn, forced me into learning mode…
The good news is that I had this post drafted, but hadn’t posted yet…because I learned a new trick that I think you’re just going to LOVE!

Today, we’re going to talk about clarifying your hair: the why, when, how, and what next of getting all the gunk and build up out of your hair. Because, regardless of how good your products are, build up happens.

Why do you need to clarify your hair?

Regardless of what products your using, your hair will develop build up over time. This can lead to dull, flat, lifeless hair. And it it just doesn’t feel good. I used to just switch my shampoo every now and then and that seemed to help…but, I’ve learned better. Build can come from many sources:

  • Environmental Pollutants
  • Products (yes, even your cleansers and conditioners)
  • Chlorine
  • Hard Water
  • Natural Oils from your scalp
  • Sweat
  • Plain old dirt

We’d like to think that our favorite cleansers will get rid of all that…but, alas…it doesn’t quite work like that. We’ve talked about using better cleansers and conditioners, especially those that are water soluble, in your hair…but even with those, you will have build up over time. Switching to better products will, though, drastically reduce how often you need to clarify.

In short, clarifying your hair will bring it back to life…to it’s full, shining, flowing glory. And that’s what we are all after.

How often should you clarify your hair?

Well, that depends…but generally when it begins to just not feel clean. That’s a good sign. It might appear dull or limp, as well. If you’ve been to a chlorine pool recently, or used more product than usual for, say, a special event…those are also good times to clarify.

If I’m on my A-game (I really rarely am), I would clarify once every 2-3 months. If you feel you need to clarify more than once a month, it may be time time to consider a change in products or routine.

How do you clarify your hair?

That’s the easy part, darling! Let’s first talk about some very common ways, and then I’ll tell you what I discovered just this week! Whatever route you take, it’s really a very simple process.

  1. Purchase a cleanser designed to clarify or remove build up. Two that are very popular include Malibu-C Undoo-Goo and Ion Hard Water or Clarifying Shampoo. Keep in mind: Malibu does not have sulfates, Ion does.
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinsing is a very popular and effective method of clarifying. It may not smell great, but your hair will be soft, clean, and shining when you’re finished. CLICK HERE to learn more. If you go this route, be sure to deep condition when you’re finished.
  3. Bar Soap. Yep! Clarifying shampoo bars! If you prefer bars over bottles, there’s a clarifier out there for you! Which leads me to my recent discovery:


YEP! I read that you can use charcoal bar soap to clarify your hair! AND it just so happens that I had already ordered a bar! 😁 And, in true teacher spirit, I had to try it before I recommended it, right? YAY! It was on the way, so…on Monday, I tried it! AND IT WORKED LIKE A CHARM! I have to say, it’s the best experience I’ve had yet with clarifying. Here’s how I did it:

  • Rubbed a little soap on my wet hands
  • Lathered that up
  • Scrubbed my scalp with my fingertips for a couple of minutes
  • Rinsed well.
  • Conditioned and styled as usual.

Here are my results – On day 4, you’ll see my hair looking a little flat – that’s today. I plan to cowash today. And, sometimes, I like to sleep with my hair down. Since it was holding up so well, and I was planning to wash today, I did just that. I did not do any refreshing today.

My hair felt so clean! It was shiny, soft and felt better than it has in months! I was also thrilled for my wash day to EASILY last several days with minimal effort on my part. And, I should note, it was in a loose pony tail almost daily!

Please reach out if you’d like to me to order you some Charcoal Soap. Or, visit my friend, Tray, at

What should you do AFTER clarifying?

Typically, it is recommended that you follow up with a deep conditioner. I would especially recommend this if you are doing Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse. This can be done with your favorite deep conditioner, or by simply leaving your regular conditioner in for a bit longer, say 5-30 minutes. You may also choose to not rinse out your regular conditioner.

And, there you have it folks! They why, when, how, and what next of clarifying your lovely locks! I do hope you found this post helpful, and that you’ll subscribe (just scroll down) to ensure our #ThirstyThursday posts make it to your inbox.

We’d love to have in the MBM!

Subscribers to this series will be entered to win a hair care package from me! Details coming soon!

Published by Cindi M

Ponytail Maker. Praying Mama. Proud Wife. Peach Getter.

7 thoughts on “Clarifying Your Curls – How To & What to Use

  1. Ooooh Cindi, this is awesome! You didn’t know this but our hair is almost identical. Yours is beautiful!!

    Next week we are having our well replaced because the water quality here has been so awful that the tester said it was “the second worst he’d ever seen.” Turns out, the old well likely had a hole in it so we were getting ground water and its contaminants. (sigh) The iron and iron bacteria levels are off the charts. Needless to say, my hair and skin have paid the price BIG time; especially as a curly girl. You know it well, I’m sure.

    I had been using Malibu hard water with fair results, but because of my curly texture, it really dries my hair out terribly. I have the same reaction to proteins in coconut oil and aloe vera. It looked like I had fried these locks with peroxide! 😲 Holly was not happy, ha ha. A couple weeks of deep conditioning finally got that issue resolved, whew!

    I love what you’re saying about this charcoal bar though, because like you, I try to do things as naturally as possible. I will be trying this technique now thanks to you, friend! I’m grateful you shared it. ♥ I’ll share so other curly gals can come glean from your wisdom. Sending loads of love & hugs your way. God bless you, sis!!

    1. Oh I love this! Well water is TOUGH! We had sulfer water for a few years growing up and my mother would bring homejug after jug of water from my grandparents to cook with and occassionally wash with (only special occasion clothing) but there was a limit! And oooh the smell 🤢… We have family out of state with well water and I’m always so happy to get back home to my hard water! 😂 I am still so very pleased with the Charcoal soap! Let me know how it works for you and which brand you try so we can share that!! CURLY HUGS!!!

      1. Oooh, sulphur water is horrible! The smell… yes!!! When I had a well put in at a house on the family farm – it turned out to be sulphur heavy. Unbelievable odor. Isn’t it funny how a memory like that stays with you? I did enjoy reading your story though!

        I will definitely let you know how the charcoal soap works! Do you have a favorite? I might wait until after the new well is installed (starts tomorrow- woohoo!) so it’ll be soon! Can’t wait! The ol’ strands need some TLC. My hair looks greasy far too quickly! And as you say, the dullness/lifelessness on non wash days. Yuck.

        Sending so much love to you sis. Grateful to have ‘met you.’ ♥️

        1. You just get that smell out of your head!! I have the Young living one – haven’t tried any others yet – but I will when this one runs out. Might be like 2 years tho because I refuse to use it for anything else 🤣. It has orange oil in it so you might not like it if you fight oily ness – I like the extra oil because my hair gets dry if I don’t give it extra water/conditioner all the time. And this helped tremendously!

          1. Ooooh! The orange oil sounds fabulous! Orange essential oils are some of my favorites!

            My hair dries out extremely easily but the funk in our well water leaves that gunky residue that builds up. 😐 Since I have to use a lot of conditioner to keep moisture – it just makes the issue worse. I’m going to try the bar you’re using. It sounds divine!

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