It’s Time To Start Your Curly Journey: The Final Wash

Now that we understand the importance of water and hydration, it’s time to get down to business. It’s time for the final wash. Though it sounds a little daunting, it really is quite simple. Enjoy it, take a nice long shower…after this, all of the showers you take are going to take some patience, planning ahead, and a bit longer. But only for a few weeks until you get the hang of things. Whatever your hair texture, switching to more natural and less damaging products will always be great for your hair. This final wash is beneficial for all hair types, not just curly hair, looking to make the switch.

At this point in the series, I’m going to do my best to chunk ONLY necessary information so as not to overwhelm those new to this journey. If you have questions or are looking for more in depth information, please let me know and I’ll do an extra article, or see if I can at least answer your questions.

Your final was is NOT the last time you’re going to wash your hair. That would just be silly It’s just the last time you’re going to use whatever shampoo you’ve been using. You know, that good sudsy one that always makes your hair feel squeaky clean? That one. You are not, however, going to use your favorite silicone based conditioner. the purpose of the final wash is to remove all of the build up and products you currently have in your hair. All of it. Gone. GOODBYE, FOREVER….

Say goodbye to all the extra stuff you’ve been putting in your hair…this is where it gets real…



  • Literally, just wash you hair! Whatever your normally do, do that..
  • I would then suggest deep conditioning with a curl friendly product.
  • You CAN skip this step altogether, or use a low-poo instead of your regular shampoo.
  • Use curl friendly stylers if you’d like, or just let your hair be what it is.
  • Start your curly journal NOW…you’ll thank me later.

Let’s talk about those last four points in a little more depth with some curl friendly product recommendations.

Deep Conditioning.

Deep conditioning is often made to sound more complicated than it is. We’re goiong to talk more about this in depth in a future post. Here’s what you need to know for now:

  • You don’t need a special product to deep condition. You CAN just leave a generous amount of your conditioner in your hair for 5-30 minutes.
  • All products are not the same. For now, just look for a deep conditioner or a hair masque if you want something more than conditioner. We’ll get into the difference in those and hair treatments later. Keep it simple for now. Take baby steps, and the process will be fairly simple all the way through.
Want to skip the final wash?

You can totally do that! Just jump right to using curl friendly products. Here’s what to expect and some other options:

  • Your ‘transition’ period might take a little longer. This is absolutely ok – it’s just going to take a little more time to get the build up of silicones and other product out of your hair. You are absolutely still on the right track!
  • Consider an Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse. This can go a long way in getting build up out, and is a technique frequently used by curly girls to remove product and hard water build up.
    • If your hair is particularly dry, you won’t want to do this.
    • You can do this with a spray bottle, or buy pouring a mix of apple cider vinegar and water over your hair.
  • Consider a low poo or build up remover, such as Malibu C Un-Do- Goo or Ion Hard Water
Using a Bowl for ACV Rinse, with detailed instructions.
Using a spray bottle for ACV Rinse, with detailed instrurctions
Naked curls will help you learn about your hair and what it’s capable of.
Styling after the final wash.

Ok…you washed and conditioned…now what? Well, knowing what I know now…I think now is a GREAT time, if you have have the luxury, to let your naked curls flow. Consider using ZERO product for 2-4 days and just get to know your hair. You’ll want to keep it hydrated, either by rinsing or spritzing with water. This is a great way to observe your hair…to touch and feel…see and learn. If you aren’t able, or just don’t want to, go without stylers, make sure that your stylers are curl friendly.

  • Don’t get to heavy with them. A little often goes a very long way. Be sure to read the directions on the label, and visit the manufacturer’s website for additional help. It’s also ok to call or email them if you have questions!
  • There are ‘fillers’ and ‘sealers’. We will talk more about that later, but in short, fillers are things like creams, conditioners, leave ins, etc… Gel is a sealer.
    • Apply fillers in the shower while your hair is soaking wet (again, we will talk more about this later)
    • Apply sealers after patting your hair dry, or after partially air dried.
  • Avoid extra finishing sprays like hair spray, unless you’re absolutely sure it is curl friendly.
Start your curly journal NOW!

What in the world? Now I have to write about it???? That’s what you’re thinking, right? Well, no. That’s not the case. But, you do want to document in some way where you started, and journal your progress. It’s not uncommon for people to get very discouraged and frustrated throughout this process. Because of this, it can be extremely encouraging to have images and notes to look back on – I assure you, that when you look back, you’ll be AMAZED at how far you have come, even on your worst hair days. Many people also like to keep a calendar handy and jot down what methods and products they tried each day, and what the result was. This helps you to remember what worked and what didn’t. There are MANY ways to document your journal. Here are few ways you can document your journey:

  • A simple notebook or planner
  • A wall calendar
  • Snap photos 2-3 times a week and keep those photos handy in an album.
  • Share your journey on social media, whatever your favorite platform is. There are many IG accounts dedicated solely to curly hair journaling.
  • Join curly hair groups on social media – share photos in those groups. You can look back on your photos to see your progress.

Below, you will find products or brands I have personally used and can confidently recommend to you. It’s a very short list, because when you find something that works, you don’t stray from it. Later in the series, we’ll discuss other brands and products that I am familiar with.

CleansersInnersense Organics Hairbath
ConditionersIO Conditioners & Sweet Spirit Leave-In
Deep Conditioners/MasquesIO Hydrating Hair Mask
LR Hair Masque
ClarifyingBragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother
Ion Hard Water Shampoo
Finishing/Extra HyrdationLR Organic Rose Water
FillersIO Inner Peace Whipped Creme Texturizer
IO Quiet Calm Curl Control
Sealers ES Orange Marmalade
ES Jello Shot Gel
There are MANY other options – these are products I have personally used and had great success with.

At the end of the day, only you can decide what is best for you and your hair – and what you are and are not willing to do. However you decide make the switch to curl friendly products, and whatever methods you choose to attempt and to embrace, this is YOUR hair, and YOUR journey. Someone will tell you you’re crazy. Someone will tell you you’re wrong. Some one will tell you you’re amazing. And everything in between. So, do you!

Do YOU! And enjoy the journey.

Are you ready? Pick a start date, and comment below to let me know when that is. I’d LOVE to encourage you on your journey!

Subscribers to this series will be entered to win a hair care package from me! Details coming soon!

Published by Cindi M

Ponytail Maker. Praying Mama. Proud Wife. Peach Getter.