ONE MINUTE REFRESH: How to Get Your Curly Head out the Door

One of the biggest struggles with wavy and curly hair is that if you’re truly just too busy or worn out to deal with it, you can look a hot mess trying to get out the door. Hats and scarves are amazing, and our besties…but maybe you have at least one minute to do aContinue reading “ONE MINUTE REFRESH: How to Get Your Curly Head out the Door”

Thinking of Purchasing an Aerosol Mister? Here’s What You Need to Know…

This is probably the easiest choice you’ll ever have to make…and you can learn from my mistakes. There are three of these in my house…

My 30 Trial of the Curly Girl Method

This is my account of 30 days of changing up my curly hair routines to fit the recommendations of Lorraine Massey, in her book, Curly Girl: The Handbook. Unfortunately, I neglected to save my notes on my phone – so, we basically have a detailed account of my first day, and then some final thoughts,Continue reading “My 30 Trial of the Curly Girl Method”

How to Choose the Right Conditioners for Your Curly Hair

Choosing an initial Conditioner for your curls is pretty simple – it’s figuring out which one is ‘perfect’ for our hair that tends to get a little overwhelming. Here’s my opinion on the subject: A good conditioner should work for all, if not most, hair types – maybe a slight different formulation for thick, fine,Continue reading “How to Choose the Right Conditioners for Your Curly Hair”

How to Choose the Right Cleansers for Your Curly Hair

If you’re already feeling overwhelmed by your options, you’re not alone. One of the first questions people ask when considering changing their routines is ‘What should I get for my hair?’ We forget, no matter how many times we hear it: Although products DO matter, it’s MUCH more about your methods. First, we have toContinue reading “How to Choose the Right Cleansers for Your Curly Hair”

It’s Time To Start Your Curly Journey: The Final Wash

Now that we understand the importance of water and hydration, it’s time to get down to business. It’s time for the final wash. Though it sounds a little daunting, it really is quite simple. Enjoy it, take a nice long shower…after this, all of the showers you take are going to take some patience, planningContinue reading “It’s Time To Start Your Curly Journey: The Final Wash”


We’re going to cover all the things you need to know about hydrating your curls including what water means to a curl, where frizz comes from, tips so you don’t drive yourself crazy, and a few common terms and techniques you can use to get water and moisture into your hair. And, last but not least…I’ll give THREE THINGS you can start doing TODAY to prepare yourself to SET YOUR HAIR FREE!

The History of the Curly Girl Method

What is it? Where did it come from? What has it evolved to? If you’re not already familiar with it, the first question you likely have is what is the Curly Girl Method? There’s a long and short answer that. Let’s see if we can land somewhere in the middle…you can decide how deep youContinue reading “The History of the Curly Girl Method”

Curly Girl Method? Not Sure Where to Start? Right Here.

Decided to take yourself down that little rabbit hole that is the Curly Girl Method, did you? Well…don’t say you weren’t warned. You’re going to be bombarded with SO MUCH information – much of it contradictory – that your head will spin, but, hey, maybe you’ll get some good curls out of that whirly twirly?